Chapter Forty-Two

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My mind spun as I wound my way through the marble corridors. Not even two hours had passed since the battle, but down in the cellars, locked away with the rest of the court -- it had felt like an eternity. I'm not sure for how long Azure stood there, clinging to my shoulder as she stared at the iron-cast door with wide eyes. I knew why -- Raina never made it down. Then again, many people didn't. I'd tried to console her, but I was no good -- not when only one thing could occupy my mind.

I turned another corner and spied the entrance to the infirmary. Without a second thought, I slammed my shoulder into the frosted glass door, hard enough to leave a bruise. I stormed inside, breathing in the familiar tang of anti-septic and blood. Pained groans rose from the beds around me, as nurses and doctors alike bustled about the wounded. I looked at all the faces around me, but none of them were Faelen. Chewing my lip, I found myself propelling towards the singular door near the back. If he wasn't out there, then he had to be in that one. He had to.

Just a few feet from the iron handle, a grip on my arm stopped me. I turn, frustrated, and jerked my arm away, but the male was already blocking my path. 

"Sorry, Miss. No one is allowed in there."

I stared at the man, assessing him. Dark hair. Sharp, assessing eyes. Doctor. Omega, just as all the medical professionals were. 

"I have to see the Delta," I said slowly. I watched as the doctor's green eyes shifted to the door, confirming my suspicions.

"He's not in there."

"Liar," I hissed, pushing past him. He stumbled back in shock as I grabbed the door handle and wrenched it open. The room was dark, and I waited for my eyes to adjust. 

"Miss--!" I slammed the door in the doctor's face and turned the lock. As the doctor pounded on the door behind me, I took a few moments to scan the room. Porcelain vases. A window veiled by a curtain. A heart monitor beating quietly in the dim. A bed. A body. A slither of sunlight.

I covered my mouth to stifle a gasp. "Faelen?"

The body stirred. The door to the room burst open, allowing the light to spill in. I whirled to see the doctor standing with two nurses, his face red with annoyance. He grabbed my arm so hard it could bruise. "I told you--"

"Hands off her, doc," a voice snarled. It was raspy, almost pained. I craned my neck towards the bed, and another whimper escaped me. The light from the doorway was spilling on him, and I could see him clearly now. His dark skin was glinting with sweat, looking almost pallid in the sunlight. His face was littered with a multitude of cuts and bruises, his left eye swollen entirely shut. His ribcage rattled with uneven breaths, and I could tell by the unsteady rise and fall of his chest that the task alone was an effort. 

His body looked weak, frail -- but the fire in that singular orange eye told me his mind wasn't in such a state. "Let her go. Now."

The man released me, bowing his head. "Yes, of course. Apologies, Delta. However, please know that no one aside from medical professionals are permitted to see you while you recuperate." His eyes slid to mine, and a cold trickle of sweat ran down my back. "This young lady here thought it a good idea to shove the doctor and lock him out of his own patient's room."

I could have sworn humor flashed over Faelen's features before that cold, steely demeanour took over them again. "No, let her stay. Five minutes. Rest of you, out."


"Need I repeat myself?" Faelen muttered, his eye honing on the doctor. The doctor shook his head hastily before turning to leave with the nurses in toe. With one final look of apprehension my way, the man shut the door and send the room into darkness again.

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