Chapter Thirty-Two

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I blinked at him. Once. Twice. I turned to Azure and Luc to see if I'd heard him right, and their white faces told me I had. I faced the Delta again. "What?"

The Delta shrugged, leaning casually against a tree. "If you think you are powerful enough to take on Azriel, then you need to beat me first. Otherwise, I am not letting you past." 

I curled my hands into fists. "For god's sake, I do not have time for these stupid games!" I beckoned Luc and Azure forward, and with unsure feet, they followed. However, before we could make it more than five steps, the Delta was towering over me, his eyes were burning. 

"Do not take me for a fool, Epsilon. I am not letting you into that damn territory so long as I can help it. I will not have you surrendering to Azriel so we have more Upsilons to deal with."

I snarled at him. "What the hell is it you want from me, Delta? Why are you always in my way?"

"I'm trying to stop you from getting yourself killed, or dooming the rest of the territory," he snarled back. He narrowed his eyes. "You're weak, and I'm not saying that to put you down. You're just too weak for him yet. You have no idea what you're up against."

I stepped up to him. "I am not weak." I ripped the silver necklace from the neck, the thin chain snapping in two. I threw it on the ground, holding his stare. "And if you do not get out of my way in one second, I swear I will fucking obliterate you to Mars." 

The Delta's eyes narrowed. "I'd like to see you try."

"Fine," I spat, staggering back and withdrawing my hand. I willed that rage in my core towards my right arm, setting it aflame. Azure and Luc jumped back in my peripheral. "I'm not holding back. I'll kill you if I have to."

The Delta smirked, withdrawing his own hand. I tried not to focus on the electricity that lashed across his skin, or the metallic stench of ozone in the air. "Again, I'd like to see you try."

"Azure, Luc, get back," I breathed, barely able to keep my voice even with the magic raging through my body. I prayed they'd listened when I stepped towards the Delta, the smalls space between us feeling like lightyears away. The forest around us seemed to still, waiting with bated breath as we stared at each other for what felt like an eternity; the final moments before we both took the plunge and took everything along with it. 

He made the first move. In a motion so fast my eyes barely tracked it, he lunged forward, crossing the distance with impossible speed. A deafening crack sounded as I brought up my arm just in time to block his assault. I grit my teeth against the electricity biting against my skin, and through my flame I saw him wince. I willed my fire to become bigger, brighter, and with a hiss he pulled back. 

I glared at him through the flames, and he glared right back. He wasn't trying. He wasn't even using a fraction of his power, because he thought he could win without it. Because he thought I wasn't worth his full strength. 

I brought out my second arm and set it aflame, the heat fuelling the deep rage inside my heart. I would force him to his full strength, and I would win. I would drive him into the damn ground for everything he's done to me, for ever bitter word he's said. I would make him regret coming out here tonight. I'd make him regret trying to stop me.

Because I am Kyra Aetos, and I cannot be stopped. I will only burn.

If the Delta read the conclusion in my eyes, he didn't let on. Instead, he charged for me again. A bright white light formed at his palm, and within moments, a streak of lightning was heading my way. I didn't move. I didn't so much as flinch as it struck my chest, making my heart stutter. I watched his eyes widen with shock. 

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