Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I wasn't sure where I was going. In fact, I couldn't even see. The walls blurred into the marble floors, and I found myself staggering into tables and tapestries. Tears carved my cheeks, but the flow didn't stop. 

Raina's words continued to play over in my head. She couldn't have meant them, could she? No, I didn't want to believe it. And yet the hatred in her voice, the anger... it had been too real.

A sob escaped me as I bumped into another silver table, sending its contents clattering to the floor. But could I blame her? There was no way around it; I'd been an asshole. Back then, I'd let the jealousies over Kyra's power get to my head, to the point where I'd acted without thinking. And now look where that had got me. 

Raina had put me in my place, and I deserved it. I was naive to think we could truly bury the past, to let go and move forward; stupid of me to believe my actions could be so easily forgiven and forgotten. 

But that wasn't what hurt the most. That wasn't what made my heart throb with pain. It was the way Raina had said those words, the way she'd looked at me. Hate. Pure, undying hate, an emotion she'd hid from me for so long. An emotion that had always been eager to get out, but she'd been too kind to let it. 

Distant shouts paused my thoughts. I stilled as terrified shrieks wafted down the halls to greet me, distant and muffled. I was at the window in an instant, my eyes widening as I took in the scene below. 

Mayhem. Wolves and people alike battled on the grounds, blood spraying on the emerald grasses as knives hit true and teeth marred flesh. I stood, frozen in horror as the assailants crossed the moat's bridges, tearing people down as they went. I immediately recognised a few of the Southerner's faces, and within moments, I was sprinting down the halls. I had to find Kyra. I had to--

Distant shattering had me screeching to a halt. A shriek sounded soon after, abruptly silenced by a sickening thud. I blinked furiously, trying to clear my vision and even my breaths. But then another shatter came, and another, this time followed by jarring shouts. I took a shaky step back. Oh, God. They were inside

And then I realised where those shouts had come from. Raina's room was down that way. I had to get to Raina--

"Hey boys, I found one!"

I whirled in time for a fist to connect with my jaw, setting the word off its axis. I stumbled back, my bleary vision juddering as a figure came into view. He strode towards me, and I stared in horror as several overs emerged from the end of the hall. 

"Now, aren't you a beauty?" He murmured, dark eyes roving over my body. I reached for my knife, only to remember I'd given it to Raina without a replacement. Shit, shit, shit--

"Don't you recognise her, Jack? She's the bitch who escaped with the Epsilon," A voice called from the back. I couldn't make out the speaker's features in my pulsating vision -- nothing but his wicked grin. The one before me -- Jack -- stepped forward, his dark eyes glittering with cruelty. 

"Ah, a traitor. Shame. I would have loved to do many things to you, girl, but I am under master's orders to bring you back." He withdrew a knife, its edge gleaming with clear liquid. The male pouted. "No worries. I'm sure we'll find time back at the court. How 'bout it, sweetheart?"

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