Chapter Nineteen

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I didn't sleep that night. 

Whenever I closed my eyes, that image would appear before me, along with that feeling of cold dread. A piercing pair of azure eyes, wolves battling upon a dark landscape, blood washing into the ground...

I couldn't rest. partly because the image haunted me, but also because it killed me not knowing what it meant. A battle. A battle was coming, that much I knew. But those blue eyes? That could only mean one thing: Azriel. We would be battling Azriel. And the blood? Whose side was that? Our side, or theirs?

So, when I got a letter of summoning, I was almost relieved. The Delta wasn't the best company, maybe, but anything was better company than my thoughts. I worried that, were I to think over the image any longer, as well as the attack, I would eventually dip into insanity. 

I winced at every creak as I ascended the warped wooden stairs the the Delta's home. Years of wear had caused them to curve inwards, and I could almost imagine the number of times he had stomped up these steps. The porch was no better, and as I stood upon it, I was almost certain I would fall through. In fact, I was certain the whole cabin would collapse. I glanced towards the windows, trying to get a glimpse of anything, but the inside was dark. I shivered.

Sucking in a large breath, I knocked on the wooden door. 

I stood there as several moments of tense silence passed, half-expecting the male to explode from the doorway and yell at me for whatever reason, but no such thing happened. After standing there for a minute, I was about to turn away when a ruckus sounded behind the door. I was just able to make out the sound of giddy laughter when the door was thrown open. 

I blinked. There, at the doorway, a blonde woman swayed. Her hair was a mess, as though she'd just walked through a cyclone and back. Her shirt hung at an odd angle, her entire left shoulder and bra strap exposed. I stared down at her dishevelled skirts, hitched up alone the hem. Well, this was certainly odd. 

Her glassy blue eyes wandered over mine, before glancing over her shoulder to someone in the back. As she spoke, the faint scent of alcohol hit my nose. "You were amazing, Delta. They'd told me you were a beast in the bedroom. They weren't wrong."


A voice grumbled something back. The girl giggled and stumbled towards me down the stairs. As though remembering I was there, she paused and whispered with a wink, "Prepare yourself, girl. You'll be in there for a while."

I was caught between amusement and horror. I knew the Delta was many things, but a womaniser? Well, thinking about it now, it made sense. As the girl passed, the Delta emerged, and I quickly schooled my face into neutrality. 

Like the woman's, his hair was a mess, and I could only imagine she had been running her hands through it. Bleary eyes focused on mine, and I watched as they cleared slowly, like morning fog in the midst of sunlight. Several buttons of his shirt were undone, and he was still in the process of buckling his belt. 

"Really?" I asked, nodding to the girl, who was stumbling across the grounds like an idiot. 

He paused, eyes narrowing. "What?"

"You summoned me. If you want me to be your next consort, you have the wrong idea."

He paused on the buckle, smirking. "Trust me, I wouldn't be caught dead." His eyes turned to mine. "I like my women blonde and blue-eyed. Curvy, too, and a little dim in the head. It's no secret that you don't fit those categories. No hard feelings, you're just not my type."

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