Chapter 3

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"What happened?" asked Rachel.

"The officer has been kidnapped by another toy."

Rachel's eyes widened.

"I'm going to get him back," Ash said.

He left the room before she could stop him, edging along the corridor with his back flat against the wall so as not to be seen by anyone downstairs.

The door to the other room was open, and from where Ash stood he could see what was happening. The officer lay face down on the ground, the letter opener stuck in his back. The gremlin kept one foot on his head and chuckled as he turned the blade.

"Where's the master's ball?" the gremlin asked in a crow-like voice.

"I will never tell you," the officer said. "I'd rather die than tell a brute like you."

"Then die!" said the gremlin.

It turned the letter opener. The officer waved his arms and yelled at it to stop, but this only made the gremlin laugh even harder.

"Come on, what will you do with the master's ball? Give it to Serena? She'll only throw it in the garbage."

"I certainly won't give it to you," said the officer. "You would use it for your dirty interests."

"Yes, dirty! I like dirty things."

Ash arrived at the entrance to the room. It was the size of a closet and contained a dresser and a bookcase. The gremlin left the officer to open an aluminum box on the opposite side of the dresser.

"Look what we have here." It pulled out a princess in a flashy pink dress, her hands tied behind her with string. The gremlin dragged her in front of the officer like an animal about to be slaughtered, while she struggled in vain to escape.

"Leave her alone!" said the officer.

The gremlin chuckled in his scratchy voice. "Why would I want to do that?"

"Don't be afraid, princess," said the officer. "I'll save you."

"Where's the master's ball?" The gremlin's voice grew louder. "Tell me, if you don't want to see this lovely princess lose her head."

Ash entered the room. "What's going on here?"

"There was an ambush," said the officer. "I'm sorry, I was unable to complete the mission."

"That's okay." He turned to the gremlin. "Leave that doll alone and free the officer."


"Otherwise I'll pick you up and break you against a wall."

The gremlin chuckled but obeyed. As soon as the doll was free from the monster's grip, she rushed over to the officer to caress his head. The gremlin pulled the letter opener from the soldier's back. The officer tried to get up but could no longer move his lower body.

"Seems to me it wouldn't be too hard for a big guy like you to open doors and drawers," said the gremlin. "How about you help me find the ball?" The gremlin started picking its long yellow teeth with the tip of the letter opener.

"What kind of ball?" Ash asked.

"Luther's ball, the one with . . . "

"Silence!" The officer was still struggling to get up.

Why all the mystery? "The one with?"

"It's nothing important," said the gremlin. "I'm sure a boy like you wouldn't care about such silly things."

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