Chapter 27

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"What are you going to do now?" she asked.

"I don't know. I need to find information on John Lock. Maybe that way I can find Crane."

"I have an idea," said Owen. "The article I read in the local paper a few days ago about the murder mentioned a name—though not John Lock. But unless there were two headless people found in the sea on the same day, it can only be him."

"You're right," said Ash. "They must have used the identity he assumed while he was under protection. If we look up that name, we might be able to find information on him."

On his phone, Owen searched the Net until he found a blurb about a certain Frank Moses, the owner of an arena for robot fights in the Rodin area whose body had been found decapitated.

"Look up the name of the arena," Rachel said.

Owen spent another minute on his phone. "The den of the monsters," he said finally.

"Got an address?" Ash asked.

Owen nodded.

"I could go to Rodin," said Ash. "Someone at that place will have information about him."

"It would be safer if we all went together," said Rachel. She had an expression on her face of someone who knew best, but Ash didn't want her around while he searched.

"Thanks for the support, but I can I manage by myself."

"I want to come," said Owen. "And Herbert does, too."

"No, I don't," said Herbert.

"I want to come too," said Miriam.

Ash had never seen her with such glowing eyes. It was his chance; if she came with him, he would win her over.

"You can come," said Ash. "But not Rachel."

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because you're my sister. I don't want you taking unnecessary risks."

"Thank you for your concern; I'm moved. But if you don't let me come, I'll tell Mom and Dad everything."

Ash restrained himself from choking her. "All right then. We'll all go."

Rodin was on the other side of town. They had to take two metros to get there. When they arrived, Ash looked around. Rodin seemed to be a place of low-cost accommodation; there were a lot of buildings, but few shops or trees.

They stood looking at the Den of the Monsters from across the street. It was a dark red cubic structure, with a black sign on a white background. Everything about the place looked cheap. The walls had been repaired in some places and painted over with a lighter color.

"Better if we go home," said Herbert.

"You knew this wasn't going to be a pleasure outing," said Ash. "If you want to go home, go. I'm going in." But when he crossed the street and pulled on the door, it was locked. Closed until noon, said the sign.

"Just as well," said Herbert. "We need to take precautions."

"What do you have in mind?" Owen said.

"Wait here."

Some minutes later Herbert returned carrying a paper bag. He pulled out a chocolate bar.

"That's the precautionary measure?" Ash said. "So, what, if someone gives us trouble, we're going to bribe him with chocolate?"

Miriam laughed and Ash rejoiced in silence.

"This might look like a bar of chocolate," said Herbert, "but if you break it in half, it automatically calls the IDAN and activates a G.P.S. signal that allows them to find you."

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