chapter 7: time to party

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we get back into my car and she lets out a sigh of relief once the doors shut. i watch her for a bit just wanting to hear her. her moans grow louder as she grips the door handle. her body begins to squirm in the seat as her legs squeeze shut. "that's enough for now baby." i shut off the vibrator. "for now." "don't think you can tell me what to do." "fine what are we doing now?" "we're gonna go back home and change into some more...fitting attire." "like what?" "like party attire." "ahh right forgot about that party you're making me go to." "oh come on baby, you'll have fun." "will there be drinks?" i chuckle. "well what's a party without alcohol?" "right dumb question." i start the engine and drive home. "well you already know i'm wearing that red dress i still never wore out yet. time to put it to some good use." "that dress is pretty revealing y/n. now i won't tell you what you can and can't wear but just know you're mine and anyone who lays a finger on you will fucking regret it." "i know." "good."

"we're home. now go get ready my love, we have about 20 minutes. and leave the vibrator in." y/n rushes to her room and straight to her closet. and i head to mine. i put on a black long sleeve shirt and some jeans with my black boots my dad gave me before he passed. i spray some cologne and walk into the mist. i slip the remote into my pocket and sit on the living room couch to wait for y/n. i only wait about 5 minutes before she walks out of her room. the red dress hugs her body so well. her black heels that compliment her toned legs. and the dress slit near her thigh drives me insane. she's so fucking perfect. everything she does only makes me want her more. "come on baby, let's go." i grab her waist and guide her out the door.

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