chapter 8: i told you who she belonged to.

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the sky is already getting dark when we arrive at the party. good, night parties are more my thing anyway. i open y/n's door and grab her hand helping her out of the car. i lock the car and we head to the front door. y/n goes to knock but i just turn the knob and walk right in. the vibrations in the floor from the music instantly rush through my body. the scent of alcohol and weed fill my senses. "it's like the club in here" "have you ever been to a club?" "no-" "well then how could you know? lets grab some drinks, that's what you're here for anyway." "i'm here for you. but the drinks wouldn't hurt." she smiles and follows me to the bar. "two shots of tequila." "on it." the bartender fills our glasses and slides them to us. "cheers" i hold my glass up, she taps my glass and throws her head back taking the whole shot. i do the same, feeling the alcohol's heat run through my veins. "im gonna go sit for a while, order us two more!" y/n walks to a couch and sits down near two girls and a guy, i didn't get too much of a glimpse of. i nod and order two more shots for us. "two more of the same please." "coming your way." he fills up another two and i thank him. my back still turned to y/n i hear what sounds like her voice. "stop. i don't want you touching me." "but you'll love it." "i said stop!" i whip my head around and see the guy pushing himself onto y/n. i clench my jaw watching him put his hands all over her. she stands up swiftly her chest rising and falling fast. he stands up to and goes to touch her again and she slaps him. the chatter gets quieter as everyone's eyes drifted to them. "don't you ever fucking touch me again! who do you think you are? we aren't together anymore!" my eyes widen. my fucking brother? it couldn't be. how the fuck did he know about this party? i'm pissed at this point. i rush over to them and grab my brother by the shoulders and push him away from her. he falls to the ground, probably too drunk out of his mind to stay balanced. i look to y/n, "are you okay?" she just nods and gets behind me when she sees my brother get back up. "you don't get to touch her anymore got that? she's only mine now." he scoffs and walks behind me staring at y/n. "you really gonna let him say this to me? say that your only his?" "yes i will let him because he's right. i'm only his and he's only mine." i smirk and grip her hand. "now fuck off she doesn't want you here and neither do i." "and what are you gonna do about it?" i walk towards my brother. "what. the. fuck. are you going to do about it?" "what am i going to do about it? huh let me think-" i swing hitting his jaw sending him to the floor. i hear people gasp around me, some laugh, some pull out there phones and some are just too busy making out to even notice. my hand throbs from the impact but i brush it off taking y/n away and leaving my brother on the floor. "what about your brother?" "what about him? someone will help him. he chose to do that. to touch you. to not listen to you telling him to stop. to think your still his." she grips my hand tighter, "i'll need that second shot now." "i think so too."

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