4.17 A Dangerous Proposal

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'How did you manage to break in?' I wrote on the paper. Nick inhaled deeply as he tried to collect his thoughts.

Eventually, he settled on a response. 'I disguised myself as kitchen staff. It was pretty easy considering my previous experience.'

Right, when I first met Nick, he was working for Mr Grigori. So, I suppose he has garnered some valuable experience along the way. Time really has filed since then, huh...

But I'm not so sure if this should come as a relief to me. If Bennett asks to see a list of all of the staff names, then Nick is toast! Just as I was about to pick up the pen, Nick stopped my hand.

He shook his head before elaborating. 'I promise you that it's fine. I put a fake name down and don't plan on hanging around here for long anyway.'

It's like he can read my mind... man, I must really be transparent! If Nick thinks he's got it under control, then I guess I shouldn't press him any further.

'Are you leaving so soon because of your mission?' I asked disappointedly with defeated eyes burning into him.

Nick knitted his eyebrows before smacking his lips in hesitation. 'I actually botched my mission, so I decided to take a detour here.' Nick looked up at me softly before nervously darting his eyes back to the paper. 'I came here to rescue you from Bennett.'

Huh? I tried to hide my sudden fluster by covering my blushing face with my hands.

Nick continued. 'I've been exiled like you. Since freedom is something we've both been stripped of, I figured we might as well both try to run away together.'

To live somewhere far away with Nick does sound peaceful and would be ideal. But no matter how much I'd like for that dream to become a reality, it's impossible.

My eyes and shoulders sank as I begrudgingly took hold of the pen once more. 'I can't run away. Bennett used his demon abilities to order me to stay here.'

Nick looked at me thoughtfully before writing out a response. 'I take it that Bennett hasn't left your side since then?'

Ha, if only... 'Sadly he's been around the mansion 24/7. He conducts most of his business from home anyway.'

Nick's eyes narrowed. 'Maybe the reason he hasn't left is because of the distance.' I looked up at Nick in surprise as he continued to write. 'There's a chance that he has to be within range to maintain the effect of his orders.'

If that's the case, then there's still hope. If I can manage to create distance between us, then I can leave! But then again, this is Bennett we're talking about here. He only ever leaves my side if it's a must.

I crossed my legs as I wrote on the paper studiously. 'Hypothetically, let's say I manage to get out of range. Then what?' I bit my lip nervously before continuing. 'Bennett will inevitably figure out I've gone missing and won't stop looking for me.'

Nick paused before picking up the pen as his hand ever so slightly shook. 'We'll need to fake our deaths then.'

My heart dropped. Faking our deaths??? Sure, it seems like the best way to become free after getting exiled. You wouldn't have people looking for you to repay your debts anymore... But it's still an incredibly dangerous idea, to begin with!

Gently cupping my hands, Nick squeezed them as he gave me a reassuring smile. 'I know it sounds risky, but do you really want to stay here?'

No, of course not. I'll always jump at the opportunity to get away from Bennett. But I still have my apprehensions about the plan. I feel like more thought has to be put into it...

I sighed before taking the paper from Nick. 'If we're really going down the route of faking our deaths, then I think we should pretend to poison ourselves.'

Nick looked at me, questioningly. 'It's the safest option. We can just pretend to drink the poison.' I elaborated. 'I just need you to accompany me as I steal it.'

I can't believe I'm actually going along with this plan. It's crazy, sure. But if we can somehow manage to pull it off, then I suppose it'll be worth it in the end. I'd rather spend the rest of my time waiting comfortably for Cassius to graduate by Nick's side than spend another second by Bennett's.

'All right, but we'll have to do this tomorrow. Any later and we risk Bennett catching us off-guard. .' Nick said. Woah, that soon??? I didn't expect him to rush it that much. But I suppose it's for the best. It's like Nick said, we lessen the chances of Bennett picking up on me planning something...

As I sat in the bedroom playing with my dinner in boredom, my attention was soon caught by the sound of a carriage pulling up to the driveway. Peeking out through the blinds, I saw a straight-faced man step out from the carriage. He sure looked intimidating, but at the same time... familiar.

Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I slowly made my way out of the room to eavesdrop behind the corner of the staircase.

"Julius!" Bennett perked up. "How was your journey here? I hope the short notice wasn't too inconvenient for you."

The stern man responded robotically. "It was fine. I was in the area anyway as I had to visit my son's school."

"Ah, that's right I heard he was involved with the recent fire incident."

N-No way... is this who I think it is? It wouldn't be long until my suspicions were confirmed.

"Master Van Doren, may I take your coat?" A servant asked.

That's Cassius' father. It has to be him! This means he's the unfortunate person Bennett intends on killing tonight...

As much as I wanted to foil Bennett's plans, I was suddenly stopped from doing so. "Ms? Why are you not in your bed chambers? The master has specifically requested that you stay there for the remainder of the night."

Uh-oh, busted. Turning around slowly, my mind was racing with a million excuses. Eventually, I came up with the one that sounded the most compelling. "I actually wanted to complain about my dinner. It was... unsatisfactory."

The maid's face turned bright red in embarrassment. "Oh, I s-s-see. I-I-I apologise. I'll ask the chef to make you another dish to your exact liking then."

Just as the maid was about to take her leave, I quickly caught her by the shoulders. "Make sure that it has a lot of Olives in it, yes?"

If I'm lucky, I may have just found a way to distract Bennett. I just hope the odds are in my favour...

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