0.2 Soulmates [Ending 2]

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Finally, I was done. The relief I felt in my soul was indescribable. As I opened my eyes, I cried in relief as I laughed softly to myself in the barren white room.

The goddess of the afterlife dropped her romance novel to the floor in bewilderment. Perhaps she had expected me to be angry as per usual. But right now, I held no hatred in my heart. Only pure unbridled joy.

"So then..." I started with a smile. "How did I do?"

The goddess cleared her throat before fixing her posture on the throne. "Uh, let's find out then, shall we?" She answered hesitantly as she opened the status window.

Mission complete:
Reward - 1,000 points

Achievement List:
- Obtained magical abilities +100 points
- Started a fake rumour at school +100 points
- Attended a masquerade ball +100 points
- Got exiled +100 points
- Had consensual sexual intercourse with another transmigrator +5,000 points

I started to blush once I saw the last achievement. The goddess was quick to catch on as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"From what I've observed, you seemed to have really loved that boy, Nicholas..."

I turned my cheek as I tried to hide my flustered face from the goddess. "Was it that o-obvious?" I stuttered.

The goddess giggled in response. "Yes." She responded. "Well then, since you have accumulated the grand total of 15,500 points, what will it be then?"

I looked back at the girl. "Continue to transmigrate or retire to the afterlife?"

"Ha, you don't have to ask me twice," I said laughingly. "I'm retiring!"

The goddess closed her eyes in glee as she clapped her hands together. "Excellent! As it stands, your ideal afterlife seems to be a faraway kingdom with your soulmate!"

She started to flick through the tabs on the window to browse through the images of my afterlife. "I'm certain that you'll enjoy this. It is full of scenic nature sights!"

That doesn't sound bad. As long as Bennett isn't there, I'll take what I can get! Dusting myself up I prepared myself to leave. "Alright then, work your magic then!"

"As you wish. Goodbye then, safe travels!" She said with a beaming smile as she waved me off.


When I opened my eyes next, I found myself in a situation resembling a past awakening. I was lying in a field of flowers. Except, this time, it was blue Forget-Me-Nots.

As I held a hand up above my eyes to block out the blinding sun, I was greeted by the sound of singing birds. I suppose the goddess was right about my afterlife being... scenic.

Taking it one step at a time, I dusted my baby-yellow, flowing summer dress off. From the looks of it, I was all alone. Knowing that my soulmate should be around here somewhere, I decided to wander off deeper into the forest.

As I continued to take a casual stroll through the lively and bustling forest, I soon caught wind of a fragrant aroma. "Freshly baked bread..." I mumbled to myself.

Following my nose, the smell only grew stronger as I eventually came face to face with a small but homely cottage. As I stood there admiring it, the door soon opened up and out came a man.

"Nick...?" I said in a shaky voice as tears started to form in my eyes.

Upon noticing me, Nick dropped the buckets of water he was carrying and came racing toward me. As he held me in his embrace, I couldn't stop myself from crying. "You're really here? I thought you had no intention of retiring just yet?"

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