Ch 1- The case

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Evelin Cooper

It's 2022 and everyone loves technology, well everyone except me. It is the 3rd time that the phone rings incessantly and I am ready to throw it on the wall if it rings one more time.

For a few seconds there was silence, finally and I turned to the other side of the bed,but that happiness only lasted so little when the phone started ringing again.

Without opening my eyes yet very well I extended my hand to catch and turn it off, but my eyes were in shock when I saw the name of the person who was calling me.

"BOSSS! " I found myself screaming and directly jumping out of bed

I did not even open it, I ran straight to the wardrobe, I was 1 hour late, well sstupid me spent all night reading a romantic book and I cried my eyes out. In fact it was not just my fault, at first the book is happy, maybe then it will start to seem even boring, but then something happens that makes you cling to it. You will continue to read page by page until you forget that the hour has passed and you are near the last pages.

Then there is the moment when you know what time it is, but the desire to know the end triumphs.

After less than 10 min I was running the streets of London with my hair caught in the most messy way possible, I was not feeling myself breathing well when in front of my feet was a taxi. It seems that today fate is on my side. At least I hope until I get to the office.
I did not hesitate and climbed directly on it, after a while I realized that from the rush I had forgotten the shoes without tying, I could have fallen and had made this day even worse.
But then thinking deeply maybe this would be a perfect pretest and i wouldn't have to listen my boss doing me about 2 hours morale for my sleeping habits.

I can imagine the words in my mind as we were face to face right now.
" Miss Evelin did you know that 1 hour late is a lost news, which leads to the loss of a large percentage of the money that this firm earns per day and that percentage becomes a salary for all the employers. "

I was making faces when suddenly the driver was looking at me strangely, asking me. "Are you ok Miss!?"

I feelt so embarrassed, again stupid me for being like this.

"Yeah it's ok. You can keep going."I said, what could i have said other. I just wanted to go out of there as fast as possible and hide myself from more embarrassing moments.

"Well, we are here Miss" Oh my god not just stupid but also blind as I could not see the building in front of me. I paid the money and ran to get inside. I went straight to my office and I could not be more happier because no one was there, but then I turned my head back.
I saw the devil at the door. The boss.
Well never talk ahead of time!

"I have nothing to say, apparently you set your own work schedule, if you were not so good at your job you would not be here today. I called you because I have a job for you, do it and you will be forgiven for every hour spent sleeping in vain," her voice was stern and filled with a cold tone as she placed the folder on the table.
She leans on the front of the table and crossed her arms with each other.

Did I forget to mention that the boss was a woman? Well her name is Andrea, a friend of mine too, but at work cold as a refrigerator.
Fair skin, a well-defined nose, peachy cheeks, and cherry-red lips which went perfectly with her black hair, that went up to the shoulder.
These were a few characteristics to describe her almost perfect beauty, which she seemed to inherit from her mother who had been Korean.

I became curious looking at the file and reached out to grab it. To say the truth, I was surprised as I started reading the first letters on it.
We have never dealt with such issues, and why me?

-"A criminal group appears to be operating on the streets of London, abducting and trafficking children. Over 100kg of cannabis distributed in different schools harming teenagers. The Salvador family seems to be connected to the event but no concrete information about it."

Is she kidding me, she wants me to go on the mouth of the wolf the most powerful family in London. The Salvador family was known as one of the richest in London, having won the respect of all when Sam, the eldest of the family, opened several orphanages for children in need.
At least that's how I heard it, as I had never met them since they live protected by guards and away from the cameras.

Evelin what are you dragging yourself into ?

Anhriel Rose

Letters were scattered all over the table, on the floor, and I am sitting here, irritated by the situation, things were starting to get out of control. Playing with hands over my hair and focused on the laptop, I didn't felt the steps that had brough someone in front of my desk.

And then what caught my attention was a letter slammed in front the table.

"My dear daddy! I want you to sign this letter for me" My 15 years son spoke with a sly smile on his face.

Still without reading it I was completely sure what that letter was about, every fucking year that letter was placed in front of my desk waiting for my signature. Anyways I took it in my hands and started reading as I glanced at the young boy in front of me who sat in the chair, throwing his dark brown hair with his hands behind.

 Anyways I took it in my hands and started reading as I glanced at the young boy in front of me who sat in the chair, throwing his dark brown hair with his hands behind

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"I'm not surprised, I was even expecting it to come sooner" I really did. He has been doing this since 5 years now. I signed it and handed it to him as i said " Are you in some troubles? There must be a reason you don't want to go to school."

"Dad, you really think that I will put myself in troubles when you have after me two bodyguards thinking that i don't know that? You would kill me if I do so." He said as he took one of the pens in my desk and started moving aroud with it in his hand.

He was right i would do that, but still he is so intelligent knowing that is being followed by two people that are highly skilled to not show their self and protect him.

"I think you should use your intelligence for school, staying with your uncle for a long time is making you worse than him" I said groaning and it was true, my wifes brother is a typical rich bachelor who just parties and spends night stands with different womens.
Definitely not a good example!

"Aiden it's not the worst he just knows better how to live" he said with an ironic voice.

This boy adores his uncle, everything about him is cool to Jay, maybe it's because they are so alike. My son is a carbon copy of his mother and Aiden her brother,but she would have been so proud of the boy he has become and would have beaten the shit out of him today if this letter was in her hands.
Sometimes i feel like a failed to him, like a father and to her, like a husband.
"Sometimes i wonder, why did i made you?" Was all i said pouring some water in a glass.

"I don't know dad,maybe because you were horny." And that was it, I found myself flying water out of my mouth while he kept talking.
"See dad, im not that bad at last i learned biology. Hope is not dead, I can still become a doctor."

I was to amazed to talk more, I ran my hands throw my hair and after a few minutes I took the keys and left with him for home.
This son of mine will be the one that will kill me.

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