Ch 13- Tears and pain

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The morning that day came sooner than Hazel could have thought and was now heading to Anhriel house. All the way there, her hands were shaking and as they collided with each other they were now sweating.

She then separated her hands from each other as the taxi decided to stop and in front of her window appeared the house she had been in a day before. She took a deep breath and after the taxi door opened, her feet touched the ground and directed her towards the one thing she could not avoid anymore.

Not enough for her to be in front of the house as the door was opened by an elderly woman who in Hazel mind might have been the maid who seemed unable to believe what was in front of her eyes. Awkward by the situation Evelin greeted her with a warm smile as she nodded in response and headed to the living room.

She knew Jay would be there, but what she did not expect was for the whole family to be.

Even though she had asked Andrea to participate as the only person she felt familiar with, the participation of Aiden and Sam made her feel something in her stomach that she could not explain.

As soon as their attention turned from the entrance they saw Evelin standing there waiting for an welcome and Anhriel immediately got on his feet from the couch where he was standing and after no more than one second was in front of her.

"Hi!" he greeted with a sweet voice as she forced a small smile on her face.

"I know I said we would be alone, but they could not bear it anymore and today, early in the morning they were in front of the door waiting for you." He explained feeling a bit sad for putting her in this situation but she nodded meaning that everything it's ok.

Everyone's gaze was on her as she approached them, but her eyes were on the boy whom she had probably met before, but the thought that she had not yet faced his reaction as a mother made her feel insecure about her decision.

As she was thinking thousands of ways in her head to say the right words, he took her by surprise by approaching her in a warm embrace.

Now not only Evelin was surprised by his reaction, but everyone as Jay's heart was filled with a lot of emotion he decided to release her from the hug .

"Welcome home mom!" he said as she was looking into his eyes not knowing what to say next , but Anhriel intervened to make the situation calmer by whispering in his son's ear.

"Remember what we talked about. We need to be patient." And then he touches his son by the shoulders and kissed him on the head as took him away from his mother.

"Are you ready?" now the older man, Sam asked as he was looking at Hazel with adoration holding a letter on his hands.

"Yes " she said still insecure deep inside and with her heart wanting to go off the chest eny time soon.

"Can i see it first?" Jay said making everyone shocked as Andrea interviewed.

"I don't think..." she was about to say that this wasn't a good idea, but Evelin interrupted her saying that if it was okay for him then he could read it and everyone nooded.

As Jay picked up the letter the tension could be felt throughout the room, everyone was silently praying inside them that the answer was yes.

In The Name Of FamilyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ