Ch 26 - My child

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When you are a child, you don’t raise your eyes to the sky to seek for a wish, but raise them to see the shadow of the person who shakes your hand to protect you. Then you smile, because the world of that little child you once were, started and ended with the parents. What if you raise your eyes and do not see a person shaking your hand, but raising it on you by raping and abusing?

These children grow up with their eyes down because when the leaves on their tree dry out, no water is found to moisten them.
Andrea never had anyone to extend her hand to, and that was not enough, they did not even allow her child to have someone too look up to.

Perhaps not willingly, but her feet had led her to where the devil was waiting for, sitting on the other side of the glass, with a triumphantly smile. She took a deep breath before sitting down in that chair and clenched her teeth tightly as she placed the phone in her ear. But she didn’t say a word, waiting for him.

“ Hello to you too, my beautiful daughter.”  He spoke as the smile never left his face.

“What do you want? Why did you call me?” Her voice came out filled with hate.

“ This is why you have never been my favourite. Always behaving wildly.” Andrea felt disgusted as she listened to his words.

“Anyway, I need you to take me out of here.” He continued.

“Why would I do such a thing? I’m so happy you are here.” She squeezed the phone with one hand harder, while the other hand became sweaty.

“"Because your useless little child is still in my care.” At the mention of her child, the blood in Andrea veins began to boil and she was about to kill if it were not for that glass. She stood up, ready to say something as she slapped her hand on the table, but he interrupted immediately.

“You wouldn't  want something to happen to him or not? For example, end up in an orphanage."

"Aren't you tired of making my child suffer.  It's me, I'm the one you should hurt, torture. He's just a kid, please. "
She cried with tears that burned her cheeks and heart. He didn't care, he smiled at her pain. He was proud because she was suffering.

“I will do what I can, stop messing with my child. He is mine not yours.” She spoke as terror was planted in her eyes. She had lost him once, she could not afford it again.

“Not what you can do. You will do it. Or else your little Miles will sleep again alone in that dark room.” He whispered and then put the phone in place, not  leave space for her to object. While she had lost control on the other side, for the first time in so long she shed tears in front of him and started screaming for mercy. Not to her, but to her son. Miles.

“Please I will do it. Please don’t take my child again.” She kept screaming and and hit the glass as he walked away, signalling the guards to pick him up. His smile did not fade as he felt victorious over his daughter's miserable condition.

It was not long before two other guards approached her after hearing her shouting, and dragged her out.

Sitting on benches outside the police station, an elderly woman approached her, extending the bag, which she had forgotten inside.

She did not even look the woman in the eye, but just tried to force a smile, which did not come out the way she wanted and then took the bag in her hands. As the lady left, she was again alone. Some messages started buzzing from the phone and as she picked it up, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Some missed calls from Aiden and his message made her worried, especially after the way they parted.

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