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Just so you know,this (**) is just a little note from me ok, it's not really part of the story 😊😊

'Ever wondered if love is just not made for you... or maybe your soulmate was just born in another universe? or were you just not present when everyone's soulmate was made. yeah... that's not true... well I believe so... for now. Dear diary, it's like I've been mugged of all the luck in the world. I'm tired ngl... but I won't give up'

Oh God, there's so much to do... And why is there a pillow in the kitchen?! Lucky, have you been chewing on my stuff again? Bad dog! " I yelled as I laid the finishing touches on the grilled cheese sandwich I was making

I picked up the pillow and chucked it on the couch. Toys were littered everywhere, I crouched and picked them up one after the other... God! why do they have to be so pointy?!

Don't mind me, it's a terrible part of me _ I complain ALOT!

I'm Rachel Park, a 20 year old blonde, I live on my own and cater for myself - typical American adult.
Oh, that's my dog Lucky, he's very lovable but he chews on my stuff a little too much.

I'm the only daughter of my parents, I have two brothers but one of them died in a car accident alongside my parents. The other lives in the other side of time living HIS life.

He checks up on me whenever he's free or he just feels like it - mainly because he's older and not so touchy feely.
Hmm what else? Yeah, my parents were like bloody rich so as of now, their wealth is my base. Living is not so hard except for the terrifying fact that not even one guy has dated me since high school.... so sad .

I just finished my two year course in college and I got a very good job to keep myself busy and as it is... I'm very late for it today.

"Ah! The water's boiled, no not that Lucky, that my script... I haven't learnt those lines yet - and you've spilled my coffee on the rug!, I just got that dry-cleaned "

" Mommy, I'm ready for school" Ellie said as she walked down the stairs one step at a time, clinging to the railings.

" Oh crap, I haven't taken Ellie to school"

This is my baby, Ellie park. She's just five. She's a blonde as well just like me but as expected, she doesn't look like me. Ever since my parents died Ellie, Lucky and I have lived together in this huge house and.... I won't say it's so easy though.

"Sweetie, here you are. I've been waiting for you. Come on, I've made your lunch but guess what? I bought your favorite cereal from the grocery store yesterday"

" Yay! Raisin Bran!" Ellie cheered

" Yay!... I'll be right back okay, let me pack up your lunch box"

" Mommy?"

" Yes Ellie?"

" Will pop-pop take me to school today?"

" Good idea, I'll give him a call right now... Go on, eat"

I walked to the sitting room and picked up my phone

" 5 missed calls from Ashley, sorry babe"

I dialed a number

"Hey Rico"

" Hey love, how's it going?"

" Uh, can you..."

" Take Ellie to school? Yeah. I'll be there in a minute" Rico chuckled

" Thanks" l said and hanged up

Meet Rico Antonio Sanchez, my adorable next door neighbor who is one of my best friends. He's a 6'2 buff with jet black hair and heart piercing hazel eyes. He's 23, lives alone as well, he's a very hard-working entrepreneur who values the fun side of life than his work.

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