32 24 31

* l know I suck at naming chapters
Please don't mind that 😅

I glanced around where I stood and I was the only one standing there so he had to be talking to me. I felt jittery watching him walk closer and closer to where I stood. He finally stopped, he had zilch smile on his face

"What did I do think time" I muttered to myself

"Is the mustang yours miss?"

"Y-yeah, is something wrong?"

"You're parked in a reserved spot, you gotta drive out" He said with a straight face

"I'm sorry, I didn't know.... I'll drive out right now" I said as I turned to leave


I turned back

"Sweet ride by the way" He said and left

Ashley walked up to me.

"What was that about?"

"Mustang problems"

"You double-parked?"

"I sorta parked in a ' reserved ' spot"

"I thought it was a public spot"

" Same here Ash but what do you know ..... This still is America" I said twiddling my car keys

When I got to where I parked, I unlocked the car and opened the door. Suddenly, some rascal drove in his car in full sicko mode. He swirled 360 and parked right in front of me.

"This is great" I mumbled to myself as I rolled my eyes

My brother Jack got out of the car ..... I could recognize that madness anywhere. Jack stared at me with a straight face and I rolled my eyes again

"What do you think you're doing?" Jack said and slammed my door shut.

"Wow, what a nice way to talk to your little sister you've just seen after four months"

"Tammy called me, what are you doing here?"

"What do people do on a shooting site?"

"Why aren't you in the office?"

"Again,what do people do on a shooting site?!"

"Aren't you meant to be in a meeting in like few minutes from now and you're in a 'shooting site' huh?!"

"Do this, do that, can't I make my own decisions? I'm 20 years already. I'm not a kid anymore"

"Mum and dad left you as my responsibility so...."

"So you should live my life FOR me right?"

"Rachel I ...."

"I gotta go Jack, as you can see I'm parked in a supposed reserved parking spot and I have to drive out... And as for the meeting, you would have known that Tammy is handling it if you had actually cared to ask. I gotta go, excuse me" I said and turned to leave

Jack grasped my hand and I halted

"Let go of me Jack"

" You can't just walk out on me"

"Well then, watch me" I said and pushed his hand away and opened my car's door

"Wait!" Jack said and I stopped

"Sorry" he mumbled

"What did you say?"

"Sorry" Jack said through gritted teeth

"I couldn't hear you clearly, can you speak more loudly?"

"I said I'm sorry okay?!!!! Geez!" Jack hollered

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