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"And where have you been Rachel, did you know how long we've been waiting for you?!, The producer will be here any minute and what do you think he'll do when he comes here and we're just dilly-dallying?!!"

"Ok, are you done Rita?" Ashley asked

Finally, she has woken up from her love trans

"I wasn't talking to you Ashley" Rita said

"Why not, Rachel and I got here at the same time so that means you were also talking to me Rita"

"Rachel was..."

"Save it, let's just start anyways. Daniel will be here soon" Ashley said and strutted away

So, it happens that one of Ashley's boyfriends is the producer, Daniel Rodriguez.
Ashley always used him to her liking to get what she wanted on the field while I on the other hand also eat off my best friend's boyfriend.

Rita's scared of Ashley because she feels that ashley might get her fired if she acts funny so she always listen to her even if she doesn't want to BUT on the opposite side, she's hell bent on taking me off this movie and unfortunately I don't know why.

I didn't take her boyfriend _ if she did have one, I didn't take her job, I didn't do anything to her.... Maybe that last one was a lie but still, she hates me with passion

**For all those who've watched the famous super hero series "The flash", Rita is like Rachel's very own... 'Eobard Thawne' . LOL!
They're sworn enemies. 😅

After the shoot, Ashley, Sarah and I left the site. I dropped them off and i left for the office.

When I got there, Jack and Tammy were just rounding up the meeting. He handled everything so we'll, thank God he came back at the nick of time.
I sat in my office and waited for them to finish, few minutes later Tammy and Jack walked in

"Sup boss" Tammy said smiling

"Did you just get here? I expected you to walk inside the conference room" Jack added

"Oh right, I would've so the investors would see how un-serious the CEO of this company actually is and of course, they'll give is even more money" I said sarcastically

" I see my lessons finally paid off" Jack said

"I learnt from the best" I smiled

"Okay, now that "that" is over with, what's next on the list P.A" I said to Tammy

"You were supposed to hold a general meeting with the staffs but Jack has done that already"

"Oh really, what did he talk about?"

"Everything we needed to know..." Tammy said

" And more" Jack cut in.

"So what's next?"

"Nothing really, just sorting some files, signing some documents, going for your date ... Oh no I totally forgot, you have a date today"

"I do? - (gasp) - I do!!!. Outta my way Jack, I need to go prep up"

"So you still go on these silly dates huh?"

"What am I suppose to do? I'm not a babe magnet like you"

"I don't date girls Rachel"

"But I date guys so outta my way" I brushed past him and left the office

"Take care of the office okay Tam?"

"Sure thing boss!" Tammy hollered

As I got to the car, someone messaged me. Well, as much as I hate to say it, it was from Dave.... Dave Hartley.
You knew when I said no one has dated me, I didn't mean that no one liked me. Dave is pretty much obsessed with me

I agree he's cute and all buh he's just not for me .... Let's say the feeling is not mutual.
Basically, he likes me but I don't like him back so he always pester me about starting a relationship and I'm DEFINITELY not in for that. Dave acts like we're already in a relationship when we're in public,he knows I object to that but he still tells his friends that I'm his girlfriend..... It's friggin annoying!.

DAVE : Hey sweetie, can we meet at the diner in mildoway street in FEW few minutes?❤️❤️

ME : Sorry, I'm kinda busy. 😕

DAVE : Come on babe, please?🥺

ME : I can't okay, I have some business to attend to.

DAVE : Ok then, text me address and I'll come right there 😘

"I can't tell him where I'm going, he'll ruin my date" I thought staring at my phone.

ME : It's on the other side of town, pretty sure you can't make it on time.

DAVE : I'll find my way 😉😉

ME : I gotta go Dave, bye

I chuckled my phone on the passenger seat and zoomed off. When I got home, I picked my other house key from under a vase and unlocked the door.

As I got in, I realized that I didn't turn off the music I left on earlier this morning.

"Oh God, Mrs Garcia is so gonna be mad" I said to myself and ran upstairs to turn off the music.

I looked through my room window and saw her glaring angrily at me with folded arms.

"Sorry" I mouthed to her as I waved shortly.

I shut my curtains with the domestic app I have on my phone (thank God for technology) and went into my closet to change.

I was still pondering on the thought of either taking a bath and NOT taking a bath.... And finally, the bath thought won, I took a bath _ a very LONG bath; a bubba bath even.

My bath took so long that I forgot the major reason why I was taking a bath. When I got out of the bathroom it was already 7:42 pm. I was friggin late for my date.

I rushed into my closet and picked out the first dress my hand touched. Luckily, it was a short black dress with straps at the back and black heels. I quickly texted Chad the address right after apologizing.

I grabbed my keys and this time I made sure NO music was on. I picked black and silver colored purse and left the house. I went over to Rico's to see Ellie before I go, she was playing with some toys when I got there.

"Mommy!!" Ellie hollered

She left her toys and ran to where I stood and gave me a tight hug

"How are ya hunny?" I pecked her fore head

" I'm fine, I'm playing with my new stuffy. Pop Pop won alot of toys for me at the park today after school"

"You guys went to the park?, How was it?" I asked her

"It was really fun mommy but you weren't there"

" I'll go with you two this week end ok?"

"Ok mommy" Ellie smiled

"So, how is your princess Bella?"

"She's in her castle with the prince"

"Good.... Where is your pop pop anyways?"

"He's inside. He went to bring me some..."

"Gummy bears!!!!" Rico hollered as Ellie cheered

"Hey you" I smiled

** More updates coming up soon. Im actually stuck with alot of school stuff at the moment buh I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as I possibly can okii? Love y'all ❤️❤️

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