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"He fucked up Rico.... I really wasn't expecting it this time. He's just like the others: DISGUSTING" she said in a low tone still crying.

"It's ok Rachel... It's gonna be just fine"

"It's not!!,(she shot her head up from my chest staring straight into my eyes) NOTHING is gonna be fine!. Why am I always the one who gets hurt at the end?!, How many more stupid dates do I have to keep up with just to finally meet the right person?!"

"Just calm down Rachel, Your Mister right is out there somewhere just waiting for you..... You just have to be a little patient"

"Patient huh?, I should be patient?. I have been patient for years now and see what my so called patience has landed me! If the right guy is out there, why can't he just come to me already. Doesn't he even care how I'm feeling?!"

"That's not how it works Rachel...."

"Then tell me Rico, tell me how the hell it works.... I'm tired - I'm sick and tired of waiting and searching for the right guy, I mean why should I be killing myself when he doesn't even want to be found?!.... I'm done Rico. I'm done dating. I'll live my life on my own now, I'll take care of Ellie on my own. I don't need any man in my life anymore.... I'm tired Rico" Her head dropped on my chest again as she sobbed bitterly.

"Please don't say that.... Don't give up just yet" I said stroking her damp hair

"I don't have a choice now Rico.... I just can't take it anymore" Rachel said weakly as she clinged onto my shirt

"It's ok.... Let's go inside before you catch a cold.

She nodded and we went in.

I took her up to my bedroom and gave her a towel to dry herself up. Her eyes were puffed up and her ears were red. Rain water from her hair trickled down her skin and dropped in small studs on my bed.

"I - uh - ....." I stuttered

"Thank you" Rachel said softly

"It's ok,what are friends for... I wanted to say that you need to change your clothes, it's all soggy and wet"

"I didn't bring extra clothes Rico, what am I supposed to do"


"Don't worry.... I'll just wear your clothes" she said as she walked up toy closet"

"W-what?! Why?"

"I just said I didn't bring extra clothes... Or did you order any clothes fore online?"

"Well no..."

" That settles it then... OUT!"

"Out? It's my room you know"

"I want to change Rico, get out" she chuckled

I beamer at her

"It's so nice to see you smiling again"

"Yh, it's lovely... Buh you still have to leave"


"Fine I'll change here right in front of you" she said as she held the hem of her dress, about to pull it up

"Wait- wait... I'll leave" I said with my eyes closed

"Great" she smiled

"I have a little something to handle downstairs by the way... I'll be back though"

"Take your time Rico" she said pushing me out

Ellie on the other hand laid on my bed sleeping because Jack came back pretty late and he was exhausted.

Dating RachelWhere stories live. Discover now