¿ W H Y ?

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♡The places where I grew fat 😭

♡of loved ones👥

♡my style👘

♡my past 💭

♡my GOAL💣♡

the places where I grew fat
Let’s cut to the chase 
1. My face
2. My arms
3. My stomach 
4. My waist
5. Thighs 
6. Calves 

For my face, I have big cheeks and my double chin. And that since I was little, my big cheeks don’t bother me because I still think it’s cute. But the problem is I want a v line, you know.👀
For my arms I don’t like them, that’s why I don’t wear tank tops and everything that unveils my arms 
For my stomach it’s too big and with my love handles there, it’s really not love handles anyway you have to find a name and I want an extremely flat stomach 
For my waist I want a finer one and also that you see some of my bones.
For my thighs I want the thinnest and also a tigh gap 
For my calves I also want it to be thin 

♡my loved ones 

Most of my loved ones tell me that I’m fat, that I’ve gained weight, that I’m really getting fat and I hate it.
And they don’t want me to go on my selfish diets, but as you know, my mom agreed.

♡my style 

I have a rather large style I dress in my mood (pastel, cute, dark, old, simple, comfy etc) 
Depends on how good I look today.
But with my self love who  lacks so .... how can I say I dress in a way that hides parts of my body. You know?  But I’d like to have the confidence to wear
♡my past 

For my past  , elemental one could say that I was the short girl , thin and energetic.
I was very flexible and very small , a lot of things were accessible to me.
In college 
In the 6th I was still as short and thin and a ball of vitamin ( as my big brother says )
I wasn’t getting tired fast.
In 5th and 4th I started to gain weight slightly but I didn’t really care but it was at these moments that I became interested in the size of Asian girls in girls group (know that I discovered the kpop and everything that goes with Asia when I was 11 g3nre in 2014 or 2015 starting with Korean emissions then by the BTS group but that I would tell it in another chapter)
In the 3rd to first  , I started to really hate my body and it was getting me completely drunk I wanted to be thin no matter what it cost me and the food now stresses me even a lollipop makes me stress as much as not possible.
And I developed a phobia of being fat . 
What does not help, I always hide under loose clothing or that hide my body.

♡my GOAL 

My goal is to lose weight by getting l3 body I want.

To also proudly show the changes to people who were just judging. Show them that I am now who I am. I would also like to develop my self-confidence which could help me and open up to the world around me and no longer be so introverted; get out of my bubble, my comfort zone and face .

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