Chapter Three

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A Christian cafe by day and lounge by night that hosted Christian entertainment nights, poetry slams, Bible study, and occasionally, knitting nights.

River's best friend since childhood Diego owned it.

He too was a dunce, a fool living for the indignant deeds of his flesh.

Until his fault almost cost River his life.

Their fault, as River constantly reminded him.

Why Gethsemane?

Gethsemane was important because, at Gethsemane, Jesus chose death, and today at Gethsemane, the followers of Christ choose to die to themselves and live for the sake of Christ. Forever honoring His choice and His death that saved them.

Diego was a changed man. Made new around the same time River was.

And since then, he vowed his life to God and His purpose. Which led to opening Gethsemane to help people like him find life through the suffering and sacrifice of Christ.

Today was no different, River sat, listened, and somewhat helped Diego teach the students in his Kids for Christ ministry.

"Young sunflowers need the sun, they move their blooms to always face the sun over the course of the day. How can we learn from a flower?"

Diego asked the children and watched their hands raise.

River sat silently, watching his best friend work wonders.

The children were always amazed by his explanations of Christ.


Diego pointed at a young girl with two puffs and prominent brown skin.

She smiled, showing two missing front teeth.

"W-we can do like them! When we don't, uh, don't see Jesus no more, we can look for Him. B-because you said He is always around, no matter what!" She took her time explaining her answer with a joyful shriek.

River and Diego chuckled at her enthusiasm, and River admired the way Diego had a way with children.

He wasn't 'gifted' in that way. But he liked them a little.

"I tell you, Sarah. You've been listening well! We should always look to find Jesus, but if we are near Him, reading or listening to His Word, holding it in our heart, and being honest with Him, we don't have to look far."

Diego handed out pages for their upcoming lesson to each child, River helped as he could.

"Now, I want you all to take a good look at next week's lesson and if you can, read your verses, listen if you don't know how to read, or better yet, ask your parents if they can read them to you. God wants us all to know Him and be saved, that means moms and dads too."

"If they don't want to read to you, don't be upset with them. Remember to pray as Jesus prayed and in God's time, your parents will read to you."

Diego bowed his head and the children followed his lead.

Diego eyed River and mouthed, 'Would you like to pray?'

River almost rolled his eyes.

Diego had a way of putting him on the spot, always asking him to do things last minute. He was spontaneous in that way.

However, River wasn't, but he appreciated the fact that Diego never doubted that he could do things, he never gave up or allowed a mediocre excuse. He needed the pushes Diego gave him.

Love, Claudia (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now