Chapter Ten

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'I'm not nervous.

It's simply a lesson.

An art lesson.

An art lesson with a very handsome man.

A very handsome man that knows and keeps the Word of God.


It's just a bit nerve-wracking, but it's not the shifting moment of my life that I've been waiting for.

It's not the girl-woman transformation point that I know is on its way.


It's only an art lesson with a very handsome man who knows and keeps the Word of God.

That's it.

And it'll be fun.

And I won't get ahead of myself or lose sight of the truth.'

Claudia blew raspberries at what was written.

She was overestimating and underestimating what the time with River would bring.

She knew that without a doubt.

It was time to face some of the music.

Only some.

She turned the page in her journal and began writing.

'Yet, even as I sit here staring at the blank spaces, I know.

I understand that there are some things that will change without my permission.

I know that the unseen, the mystery, the questionable matter is potentially at hand.

Pushing it aside.

Denying the truth.

Ignoring the answer.

But still remaining true.

How can it be?

Am I living a partial lie?


Only turning my eyes from the crystal clear vision.

Shaking my head.


'It's only this,'

While I know inside, not even deeply hidden, but on the surface,

I am merely not able to face the truth.

'that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.'

The candor, veracity, reality.

I have put aside to live as I do.

Not willing to do.

Love, Claudia (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now