Chapter Fifteen

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"Driving was never something that excited me. I don't know why, I just don't like it," The automated voice responded for Claudia.

That voice was never enough for River's imagination.

He often wondered how she sounded.

She had to have a voice that matched her sweet personality.

That plain automated voice was all wrong.

He assumed.

"My first vehicle was a motorcycle, had it since I was nineteen. I wrecked it on my twenty-first birthday, and the second one I got was wrecked in the accident. I'd have another if I could, but that truck is good to me."

He watched his words process in Claudia's mind.

Her brows were knitted, and her lips parted. She seemed upset but also adorable.

Which was always.

She was every adjective of beautiful, cute, fancy, dotty, lovely.


"No," He murmured instinctively as sharp stabbing pains struck his thighs.

He hadn't been in pain for weeks.

'Not today, Lord.' He thought as the pain intensified.

His eyes shut as he tried to push aside the pain.

He tried to focus on anything else.

And Claudia noticed.

She touched his arm and gently rocked it to get his attention.

"Are you feeling sick?" The automated voice actually helped River.

He shook his head and opened his eyes. "No. I'm fi-oh God," He was almost miserable.

It normally happened at home in the comfort and privacy of his bedroom.

"I-i'm sorry," He muttered weakly. "My legs, they, sometimes they trick my mind into thinking they have feeling. And when it happens, it sends waves of pain through my body."

Claudia's heart dropped. 'Lord, please help him. I don't know what to do,' She prayed.

"Oh, River. Is there anything I can do? Anything,"

He almost smiled at how nurturing she was.

"Just keep telling me about your life," He had enough in him to add, "And b-blowing me a kiss wouldn't hurt,"

Claudia failed at trying not to blush.

'The man is in pain but still decides to mess with me.'

She liked it.

She lifted her finger, telling him to wait and typed out a short story.

"Six years ago, on my sixteenth birthday, my parents surprised me with a driving lesson. I assumed we were going to the movies or somewhere fun, but when my father got in the passenger's seat and told me to drive, I was devastated. They talked me into driving for a few minutes, but they both learned that it was a terrible decision. I slammed on the gas instead of the breaks, I couldn't grip the steering wheel, and my hands were sweating. Thankfully, we were on private property, no one could've been hurt because of me. After that, my parents agreed that I shouldn't drive. We went shopping and anywhere else I wanted to go, they made it up for it perfectly."

And as the voice spoke, Claudia signed along.

For two reasons.

She wanted River to have something to look at, and she knew he was intrigued by the way she did sign language.

Love, Claudia (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now