Chapter Sixteen

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Claudia woke up feeling settled, enthusiastic, happy, and dotty.

Whimsical, possibly.

'God, why am I so happy?'

She felt like a weight had lifted off her shoulders last night after talking to her father about River.

It was okay to like him; her father didn't think wrongly of it.

He approved.

God wasn't yelling at her for going ahead of Him.

Everything felt right.

And she could and would do as she desired. She would be around River without a care, no more overthinking, just existing.

'He's so handsome,' And she meant it entirely.

Handsome wasn't simply good-looking. It was more.

He had a handsome heart and personality.

'Shoot,' Claudia bit her lip as she remembered to text him.

She was sure that he was fine, but she cared too much to leave it at that.

Claudia: Hi! I hope you're feeling better, I prayed for you, and I know you said you would be fine, but it'd give me peace of mind knowing how you are.

She sent the message and looked around her room for something to do while she waited for his response.

Her phone lit up as a message from River was delivered.

River: I'm feeling like new. I appreciate your prayers and sweetness. I want to make up for cutting our time short. How does a visit to the art museum sound?

River: You can be inspired by the art, while I'm inspired by your rosy cheeks. One of these days, I'll have you sit for me. I'll say things to make you blush, you'll smile all pretty. It'll be my greatest work yet

Claudia wanted to throw her phone.

He wasn't around, but still, he was making her cheeks turn red.

Claudia: You totally suck, River. My cheeks do not turn pink, I simply have rosacea.... However, I can ignore your shameless flirting and enjoy the museum. Maybe I can learn something, how to draw a circle..

She was freaking out on the inside.

Over the moon.

But she was playing it cool, as a cucumber.

River: Rosacea? No. You have, 'River is charming and handsome, I can't help but blush when he talks to me.'

River: I can admit to playing dumb just to have you teach me a sign slowly, you're the loveliest teacher I've had.

Claudia was ready to scream.

River was being weird, in a good way.

Claudia: Haha, you've got jokes.... About the museum, when were you thinking?

She had to redirect the conversation.

He thought she was lovely.

River: I'm eager to see those rosy cheeks, this afternoon. 2 or 3. Your choice, sweetness.

Claudia shook her head.

'He's trying to kill me. I just completely accepted my feelings for him and now he does this....Help me, Lord.'

Claudia: My rosy cheeks will not be making an appearance. No teasing allowed. One would get the idea that you're not just saying that to mess with me.

Love, Claudia (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now