Chapter Twenty

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It had been a week and a half since the dinner.

A week and a half since Eliah left to live in the loft downtown.

A week and a half since the McCallister household had become peaceful and without hostility.

And a week and a half since Claudia spoke for the first time in four years.

A seagull ran past Claudia's feet, and she glared at it.

Since her altercation with the evil birds, Claudia had bad blood with every bird that crossed her.

Which translated to Claudia simply being afraid of the birds stealing her belongings.

However, being with River at the beach made it seem better. She could deal with the birds, and he would protect her.

He promised.

He was a sweetheart.

Claudia turned away from the beautiful waves and found River staring at her.

A smile grew on her face.

She liked when he watched her. He was always focused and keen on observing every corner of her beautiful face.

Words spoken directly from his mouth.

"I'm not a painting, River." She said with light snark.

Her speech had improved tremendously. River insisted on helping her. She didn't even have to ask.

He was wonderful.

Mr. Wonderful.

River's eyes lit up, and he moved a curl behind her ear. "What if you were?"

Claudia stared at him as if he were a nut. Which he was.

"You said you'd sit for me, and I've been dying to paint you. That way, I can stare at you less in person," He was lying.

He wouldn't look away from her even if someone paid him.

Claudia's stomach filled with butterflies at the idea. "I-i don't know, Riv." She wasn't sure if she could let that happen.

Everything had changed since she spoke that day. Since he held her and comforted her.

She didn't see him the same.

She admired him and liked him before, but now she felt different.

Somehow her feelings felt true.

And now she didn't know what to do when she was near him. In a good way.

The best way.

River pushed out his bottom lip and fluttered his lashes. "How can you say no to this face?" He winked and smiled, making her heart jump. "I know it'll be difficult, believe me, I don't know how I'll get through it watching you and admiring you with purpose, but I will. And you will,"

It was unspoken.

The change in the way Claudia felt about him.

But he knew.

She reacted differently to him. She was hesitant about holding his hand, but she wouldn't let him go when they touched.

The way he looked at her had changed as well.

When she said his name. When she cried in his arms. When she fit perfectly in his arms.

She wasn't simply Claudia anymore. Not the silent beauty with dancing eyes.

Without warning, she was the woman he longed to have. No longer was she merely a dream or a chance. She was now the real deal.

In his reach. In his arms. In his protective embrace.

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