Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

I wasn't all that surprised when my mom told me that I would be spending the summer at Grandma and Grandpa's over the summer in North Carolina, instead, I was very excited. I loved my grandparents, I always wanted to be around them whenever I did get to see them. Since we lived in Arizona, I never got to see them very often so I was very excited to see them. My flight was to take off at 5 am in the morning, so my Dad and Mom would be driving me to the airport to drop me off. "You got everything you need?" Mom asked, her blonde hair swaying gently as she turned to look at me. "Yes. I do, Mom." I nodded, adjusting one of the bags on my shoulder. "Are you sure that you will be okay traveling alone to North Carolina this time?" Mom asked, I could see the worry in her eyes which made me a bit annoyed but I knew that she was being a typical mother and worrying about her child. After all, I am the youngest in the family. "Mom, I'll be fine. This isn't the first time, I've known alone. Don't you remember I flew across the country to see Got7 in concert?" I stepped forward, "I know... I just worry." She said, "Sweetheart, our daughter is 19. She'll be fine. I trust her." Dad pulled Mom into a side hug, kissing the top of her head. Mom let out a heavy sigh, her hesitancy to let me travel alone shining in her eyes but she could see that I would be fine. "I know. I'll miss you." Mom pulled me into a large hug, taking in my scent, and pulled away to let me hug Dad as well as got to my gate. I pulled Dad into a bear hug, holding him close as I would miss him a lot. Finally, I turned to my three older brothers who came to see me off. "You promise that you'll be a good girl for Grams and Pop Pop?" My oldest brother, Suho, quipped with a smile on his face. "Aren't I always?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, smiling as he just chuckled and pulled me into a hug. I turned my head to my second older brother, who ruffled my wavy brown hair and kissed the top of my head. My third oldest brother squeezed my cheek playfully, making me slap his hand which got him to chuckle. 

"Aigoo... Our little sister is traveling all alone.." He cooed, making me slap his chest. The four of us hugged one another tightly before I let go of them. 

"Stay safe and don't eat too much of Grandma's food. Save some for us when we come to visit." Baekhyun smiled, "I'll try." He swatted his hand at me, but I backed away from him and laughed. "Oh and don't forget," I looked at my third oldest brother, Sehun. "make lots of friends. We wouldn't want our baby sister to be lonely, now would we?" He pouted, making Suho shake his head at Sehun's teasing as I slapped his arm while he and Baekhyun laughed. I waved one last goodbye to my family and boarded my plane.

I had a hard time reaching the overhead bin, sighing heavily as I cursed under my breath for being so damn short. "Here, I'll help you." I turned my head, my breath being taken away as my eyes met with a pair of hazel eyes. He was very handsome, he had a long face, he was very tall, tan, and had broad shoulders. Oh sweet baby Jesus, he's so damn hot. "Thanks," I handed him my bag, which he took with ease, and placed it in the overhead bin, closing it. "Thank you," He nodded at me, as I took my seat. To my surprise, he sat right beside me. "I didn't catch your name earlier.. My name is Song Riley." I held out a hand for him to shake, "I'm Son Hyun-woo, but please just call me, Shownu." He took my hand, shaking it firmly, and smiled at me.

Oh sweet baby Jesus, he's so cute when he smiles...

"Well, thank you, Shownu. It was nice of you to help me with my bag."

"It was no problem, you needed the help." He smiled. "So what brings you on this flight to North Carolina?" He asked, shifting in his seat to look at m better. "Oh, I'm going to spend the summer visiting my grandparents. Things at their house are getting a little wild since my youngest Uncle just went to college. So I'll be there to keep them company." I explained, leaning onto my seat. "So what about you?" I asked, "Visiting family and some friends. My little brother moved away with my father, so I'm finally going to visit. I haven't seen them in a few months." He explained, just then, a ding went off above our heads.

"Alright folks, my name is Lucinda. I'll be teaching you the proper procedures for what happens in an emergency that takes place on this aircraft. But first, I need you all to buckle your seatbelts." Both Shownu and I did as told, as I hoped the ride would go smoothly. I hated flying, always have, always will but I had no choice in the matter this time. And what's more is that I was alone, when I flew to see Got7 in concert, all three of my older brothers went with me. Lucinda continued talking on the phone and it seemed that Shownu noticed my apprehension about flying. "Hey," He placed a hand over mine, I looked down at his hand and then up at him. His brown eyes seemed to sparkle as he gave me a warm smile, "We'll be alright. I can tell you seem a little on edge about flying, but I can assure you that we'll be alright. I know we don't know each other too well, but I'm right here and you can squeeze my hand any time you need to." He offered, which rendered me speechless.

"T-Thank you." I stammered, I didn't think that I would end up meeting someone like him on the plane.

"It's no problem."

Shownu and I continued making conversation, laughing at each other's corny jokes and exchanging funny life stories about us and our crazy families. The Captain even made a few entertainment announcements and jokes to keep everyone calm since the flight was a bit long. With him, it seemed that time flew by so quickly and before I knew it, the Captain was making another announcement over the P.A. system. "Alright passengers, we have arrived in North Carolina. I hope that you all enjoyed the flight as I did try my best to keep you all entertained."

Shownu grabbed my bag and the two of us continued to make conversation as we exited the plane, it seems that I've now somehow made a lifelong friend. "Shownu!!! Over here!!" The two of us looked to our right, straight ahead where we spotted six boys standing together. One of them stood in the very front, holding up a welcome home poster and the others were cheering and shouting for Shownu heavily. "I'm guessing those are your friends," I chuckled, looking back at Shownu who looked at them. He chuckled, shaking his head, and turned back to me. "Yeah, those-those are my friends over there." His cheeks burned slightly red from embarrassment, as I just laughed at him. "Alright, here." Shownu took my phone out of my hands, typing in his phone number. He then texted his number, pulled out his phone, and saved my number under a nickname he came up with on the plane. I chuckled, taking my phone back from him and playfully shoved his shoulder causing him to laugh as well. "Let's meet up soon, Riles. And I'll definitely introduce you to my friends over there. I have a feeling they'll be bugging me to introduce them to the pretty young lady I have made friends with." He threw his thumb back at them, as I saw one of the taller boys wave at me. After saying our goodbyes, I heard my name being called.

"Grams!!! Pop Pop!!" I tackled my grandparents in a large hug, the three of us happy to finally be reunited with one another. "So how was the flight? And who was that handsome young man we saw you chatting with? Is he your boyfriend?" Grams asked, giving me a look to which I scoffed at the accusations. "No, Grams. I just met him. He's not my boyfriend. And the flight was okay." I said, shaking my head as Pop Pop loaded my bag into the trunk of the car. "Yeah, sure he's not. I saw him putting in his number in your phone." Pop Pop stated, making me groan and throw my head back. "Pop Pop, seriously. He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend that I met on the plane after he helped me put my bag away in the overhead bin since I couldn't reach it. Stop overthinking things, you two." I waved it off, getting into the car. Grams got in the front passenger seat, while Pop Pop got into the driver's seat. With a few more quips about Shownu and I's friendship, we were off to the house.

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