Chapter 21

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Hoseok's pov

I took Riley's necklace out of my pocket and clipped it back around her neck, I softly laid her head back down on the pillow and brushed her hair out of her face. We moved Riley into her room after her fever got worse, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung were still working on the potion. It took a while to brew to get the right consistency, especially since it was more of a drink than anything else. Her necklace glowed brightly, and with it, Riley's breathing seemed to even out and become a lot better than it was before. "Wow," Jin whispered, "That necklace must have a lot of power in it," Jungkook spoke, leaning against the wall across from Jin and me. "It is," The three of us looked to the doorway, where Jimin appeared with a book in his hand. His pink hair had been tussled about and he smelled nice, I could only assume that he had gone and taken a shower before reading whatever book he was holding. That book looked familiar, possibly one that Namjoon had in his library. "The Celastonite gem has been around for a very long time. This one gem if in the wrong hands could destroy an entire kingdom with one spell. Because of its power, people started to fear it so most of the gems were locked away in the kingdom's vault or were given to powerful mages to guard." Jimin explained, he looked up from the book as Riley rolled onto her side. Jin reached down and cooled down the rag on her forehead, moving it slightly so that it didn't wet Riley's pillow or hair. "Is it possible that Arthur had gotten hold of this gem before he went back to his realm?" Jungkook asked, "That's possible, after all, Arthur had fallen in great favor with the king after he saved our entire realm." I chimed in, "The king must have given him a piece of the gem and Arthur passed it down to Riley, without her really knowing what this gem really is." I added, uncrossing my arms as I sat down on the chair beside the bed. My eyes went to Riley, who shivered in her sleep.

"It's ready," The four of us looked back at the doorway, where Yoongi stood with a cup in his hands. "Sit her up, she has drink it."

"Riles, come on. You gotta take some medicine for us, okay?" Jin carefully sat Riley up, who was only somewhat awake. She had a hard time keeping her eyes open, I moved from the chair and sat down on the bed. "Here, let her lean on me." She still seemed very weak, so it was best to keep her upright and steady by leaning on someone. Jin guided her carefully towards me, her back resting against my chest. Yoongi walked over, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Alright, this may taste bitter but I need you to drink all of it, okay?" He spoke softly to Riley, he only ever used that tone with Jungkook when he was a bit younger when he got sick.

"Drink," Yoongi placed the cup up to Riley's lips, Jin coaxing her to keep going as she was doing good. At some point, it seemed like she was going to spit it back up but she pushed the urge down as Jin helped cool her down. When she finished the potion, we laid her back down and let her rest. Jimin opted to stay with Riley in case something happened while the rest of us headed back out into the living room, I sat down with a thud as Jungkook plopped down on top of me. All of us at this point were way past exhaustion, the fight with that dragon was long and very hard. I closed my eyes, letting out a laugh and groan as Taehyung plopped down on top of Jungkook and I on the couch. "It feels great to finally be done with everything." Namjoon spoke up, plopping down beside Jin. "Yeah, it does." Yoongi let out a huff, as I noticed Jungkook was softly breathing. I opened my eyes, looking down to see Jungkook hugging my waist, his head resting on my stomach while Taehyung was resting his head on Jungkook's chest, his arms wrapped around him. A smile made it's way onto my face as the two slept peacefully, "Ah, the maknaes have finally given into their exhaustion, huh?" I looked over at Jin, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, so has Yoongi hyung and Joon." Jin looked at the two, smiling as he looked at them.

"We did good today.."

"Yeah, we did." Yoongi said, startling Jin and I since we thought he was asleep. "Weren't you asleep?" Jin asked, "No, I was getting there but you two won't stop talking." He complained, making me giggle slightly.

"Yah," Jin started, making me laugh even more. "Ahh, Hyung. Go to sleep!" Namjoon whined, frowning as he snuggled closer to Jin. I only laughed as Jin made a face at him, Yoongi reached behind him and threw a pillow at me which hit me right in the face with precision. "Go to sleep," He said, making me laugh. He threatened to throw another pillow so I gave in and stopped laughing so loud, only chuckling lowly as I closed my eyes. Jin had fallen asleep with Namjoon as I started to doze off slightly myself after calming down, a thought suddenly came to mind as I was trying to fall asleep. "Who sent the dragon after Riley and why did it target her specifically? " I knew that I wasn't going to get anywhere on my own with trying to figure this out, which meant I was going to have to rely on Yoongi Hyung and Namjoon to figure this out. For now, I just wanted to sleep so I let the thought drift to the back of my mind and fell asleep.

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