Chapter 18

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3rd person's pov

With both Hoseok and Taehyung in Riley's barrier, the rest of the boys were heavily concerned about Riley suddenly passing out. Even though Jungkook was worried, he had a feeling that they had everything under control especially since Hoseok specialized in healing magic. Jungkook's attention was turned back to the dragon, which again let out an earsplitting howl causing everyone to cover their ears. Over the howling, Jungkook heard Namjoon shout something, his eyes shifted to him as he saw Yoongi talking with Namjoon. A barrier went back up around the five of them, the howling started to fade from their hearing. Namjoon worked in conjunction with Yoongi, putting up a barrier that blocked sound coming from outside. This meant that the boys would be safe from the howl of the dragon standing in front of them, to which the dragon continued howling. He was beginning to get fed up with the fact that he couldn't get to Riley, nor could he kill the ones getting in the way. When Jungkook uncovered his ears, he heard Namjoon saying something frantically as he looked at where the dragon's attention had gone which was back to Riley's barrier. The dragon lifted up his foot and brought it down onto the barrier, which shocked him slightly causing him to stumble backwards and screech in pain. Hoseok and Taehyung stared up at the barrier in shock, they hadn't been electrocuted by the barrier's forcefield when they came over to it.

"Whoa, did you do that?" Nate looked up at Hoseok, who was currently standing up.

"No, I didn't."

"Did you?" Nate looked at Taehyung, who was carrying Riley. "No, little man. That wasn't me." Taehyung shook his head, "Then what did that?" Nate asked, "I think it was the barrier.. Riley reinforced the barrier before she passed out, right?" Hoseok looked down at Nate, "Yeah, I kept telling her to cover her ears but she wouldn't listen. She was trying to figure out how to use her powers so she could help you guys. She refused to cover her ears." Nate explained, Taehyung and Hoseok were both amazed with how well this small child spoke. It was almost as if he was an adult, they could even tell that this kid wasn't just a normal kid.

"Riley's magic could have done with that. Whatever she did to reinforce the barrier may have added a protective shield which only activates when a threat is trying to break the barrier." Hoseok suggested.

"Like an electric fence," Both young men looked down at their unconscious soul mate, wondering just how she managed to accomplish that.

"Her powers might not be known to us but I have a feeling there is much more to her power than even she knows. We'll have to be with her every step of the way." Hoseok thought to himself, he looked down at Riley and brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

"Do you think we'll be safe in here?" Nate asked, "Judging by how the dragon was repelled, I'd say we'll be just fine. It's Riley that I'm worried about." Taehyung looked down at his unconscious soulmate, his eyes slightly glossing over. Hosek felt the overwhelming sense of anguish coming from Taehyung and put his hand on Tae's shoulder, "She'll be okay.. I'm going to figure out how to save her. We're not losing her after we just found her." Hoseok reaassured, Taehyung could only nod as they heard a loud boom go off outside of the barrier. Their eyes went to the rest of their soulmates, who were busy fighting off the dragon's attacks.

"What did you say that thing was?" Yoongi asked, "A Mystic Howler! They're very rare, they only come in this particular color and they have a howl that can kill or weaken those with pure hearts." Namjoon explained, "Shit..." Jin cursed, "What's wrong?" Jimin asked, "Riley has a pure heart, that's why she passed out. If we don't get rid of that damn dragon, she could either fall into a coma and never wake up or she'll die." Jin panicked, his words cut Jungkook like knives. His eyes shifted back to Taehyung, who was holding Riley in his lap while Hoseok was talking with the small child sitting next to him. "Hyung, how do we kill this thing?" Jungkook asked Namjoon, taking his eyes off of the other two.

"That's the thing..." Namjoon started, "There is no way to kill it."

"What the fuck do you mean there is no way to kill it?" Yoongi snapped, "Hyung, I mean there is no known way to kill it! Nobody has ever been able to sruvive against this dragon. And anyone who has is too lost in their own fears of reliving what happened. Nobody recorded a way to kill it." Namjoon explained, Jin sucked in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Shit." Was all Jimin could say, a large tail came down on the barrier surrounding the boys, making them jump as it made a huge thump that echoed throughout the town square. "Namjoon, there has to be a way to kill that thing! Nothing out there is unkillable, everything has to die at some point. There is no way this fucking dragon cannot die, now think!" Yoongi ordered, "Don't you think that's what I'm doing?!!" Namjoon shouted, the two started arguing, ignoring everything else around them. Jimin and Jungkook both panicked when the tail hit the barrier again, this time causing a crack in the top. Jin sucked in a deep breath, trying to figure out a way to take down the dragon but couldn't think with all the shouting going on.

Taehyung looked around, noticing that Yoongi and Namjoon were arguing and Jimin and Jungkook were trying to break it up. "Hyung," Taehyung called, Hoseok looked to where Taehyung was looking and sighed as he saw Namjoon and Yoongi at each other's throats. "I think they're stressed.." Taehyung said, "You think?" Hoseok retorted.

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Jin shouted, making everyone go quiet. Yoongi immediately paled and Namjoon shut his mouth, while the younger two looked horrified that Jin had cursed. "I'm trying to figure out what will kill that thing. If Yoongi was able to shoot it and pierce its scales then that means there are other areas that can be wounded on that giant ass dragon. Namjoon, you are the only Dragon expert here. What is out there that can kill a dragon of that size? Think carefully." Jin asked, crossing his arms. As Namjoon thought, he suddenly remembered something he once read in a book.

"Nate, is there anything that can kill a Mystic Howler? If we can't kill it, is there a way to take it down?" Hoseok asked, Nate thought for a moment. "The only thing that I know of that is powerful enough to kill that dragon is a Celastonite gem. It weakens a Mystic Howler to the point that you can pierce through its scales with any man made weapon." Nate said. As he said that, Namjoon got the same idea.

"A what?" Yoongi looked at Namjoon confused.

"A Celastonite gem. It's the only gem that is used to kill Mystic Howler's, it can weaken the scales so that any man made weapon can kill it." Namjoon explained.

"Where would we even get one?" Jimin asked.

The gem in Riley's necklace started glowing, showing through her shirt which caught Taehyung's attention. Taehyung reached down and moved the necklace from under her shirt, "Hyung, Riley's necklace is glowing." Hoseok looked at Riley's necklace, the gem in the middle of her pendant was glowing a bright blue hue. "That's it!!" Nate yelled, "What's it?" Taehyung asked Nate, both young men were confused. "That's the Celastonite gem!" Nate pointed at the gem, glowing in her pendant. "This?" Hoseok touched the gem, the glowing becoming brighter. "Yes, that's the gem." Nate nodded, Hoseok and Taehyung looked at one another and looked back down at the gem.

Jungkook noticed that there was something glowing across the way from them, "Hey, what is that?" He asked, "What is what?" Jin asked, looking at Jungkook. "That." Jungkook pointed to the glowing coming from across the ways, the rest of the group followed his line of vision and saw the glowing gem coming from Riley's necklace. That's when it clicked in Namjoon's head, "That's the gem!! The Celastonite gem!" Namjoon shouted, "What?"

"How did it end up with Riley?" Yoongi questioned.

"I don't know." Jin shrugged.

"My best guest is her grandfather or grandmother gave her that necklace. That gem is going to be the thing that finally puts that dragon down for good." Jimin stated, placing his hands at his sides. "Let's hope we can finally kill that thing." The five of them looked at the gem and then looked at the dragon.

"Yeah," Jungkook nodded.

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