Chapter 12

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Riley's pov

After Jimin and I's kiss, I couldn't stop blushing while he made me laugh. He led me over to the dining table where everyone was sitting, Jin sitting at the head of the rectangular wooden table while Yoongi sat on the other end, Namjoon sat in between Hoseok and Jimin. I sat towards the end of the table, Jungkook sitting to my right and Taehyung sitting to my left. It seemed that everyone was sitting in their age order, but with me being here, it seemed they decided it was best to sit me in between Jungkook and Taehyung. "So Riley, Hobi here was telling us all about where you're from and what they have learned about you so far." Jin smiled, "Are you really from the other realm?" He asked, "Yes, I am.. Although, I'm not sure what you call my realm and what you call your own. I'm still grasping at the whole idea that I'm in a different realm completely." I said, taking a bite out of my fry. "How exactly did you end up in Everrath forest?" Yoongi asked, "Well.. Honestly, I'm not too sure how I got here in the first place. I was at my grandparents house in their library and found a large book, which had no author written on the cover or in the book or anything. I got caught the first time I found it and was warned by my grandmother not to open the book.. But.."

"Your curiousity got the better of you?" Namjoon smiled.

"Yeah... It did. I ended up looking for the book again when they left to go out with some of their friends. I found it hidden in the desk and opened the book but I found that all the pages were blank. I kept flipping through it but all the pages were blank but one. There were only two words that appeared on one of the pages, I didn't think much of it and read it out loud. The next thing I know, the book starts glowing and so did I. That's when I woke up to Hobi standing over me in the forest." I explained, all of the boys looked concerned and stunned as to the full story of how I got here. "That book.." Jin trailed off, "Hyung, you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Yoongi asked, I looked between Jin and Yoongi who were sharing this look of realization.

"Yeah.. That book. It belongs to someone that my parents knew.. He was entrusted by the King of our realm, actually Arthur met his wife here. And they left a long time ago after he was entrusted as the realm's protector." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, more questions starting to form in my mind. "Wait.." Jin and Yoongi looked at me, "Are you telling me that my Pop Pop knew your parents and has been here before? And that my grandma is from here?" I questioned, shifting in my seat.

"Possibly. What is your grandfather's name?"

"My grandfather's full name is Arthur Maddex." Jin and Yoongi's eyes widened, "Your grandfather is THE ARTHUR MADDEX?!!" Jungkook shouted, startling me.

"The? Yes, his name is Arthur. But I don't get it.. What's so important about his name?"

"Arthur Maddex came to our realm many years ago, he was young then. Just a year or two older than you are now." Namjoon explained, "When Arthur first came here to Ebonrealm, he was found just like you were in the forest outside of this town. My father stumbled upon him and brought him into town. At the time, Ebonrealm was on the brick of destruction due to a powerful man who wanted nothing more than to bring death and rule as a dictator. The King tried as hard as he could to hold him back and began searching for someone powerful enough to take him down. When he heard about Arthur coming here from another realm, he summoned him to the castle. Thinking that he was the key to stopping the evil man."

"And was he?"

"Yes, your grandfather had learned in short time how to use magic here. It seemed he had latent and hidden powers in him like you. He fought with valor and won the biggest battle in our history. After that, the King deemed that he was fit to protect Ebonrealm. And so he granted him that power. It seems your grandfather's way of protecting our realm was to put the portal into our world and our realm as a whole into a book. Keeping it well hidden." Jin finished explaining, I sat back in my seat just taking in all this information. "Wow.. I.." I stammered, looking down at my plate.

"I know this is a lot to take in, Riley." Taehyung soothed, placing his large hand on top of mine.

"I just can't believe he never told us about this.. If I didn't know then.. What if he never told my mother? Does she even know?" I scoffed, feeling angry at my grandfather for keeping such a huge secret from his own family.

"Riley, I know that you're angry about your grandfather keeping all this from you. After all, your family should know this. It's only right." Hoseok started, "But I think he wanted to keep this away from you to keep you safe. Things here in Ebonrealm are different from your realm, it's even more dangerous here. We have all sorts of magical creatures and whatnot here and your realm doesn't have any of that. He wanted to keep you and your family safe." He said softly.

"But keeping this from me.. Means keeping me from all of you. Soulmates are the same in this realm as they are in mine. It's a new norm that there are soulmates in my realm. I even thought it possible that I would have my own soulmate(s)." Tears burned in my eyes, "The thought that if I hadn't decided to let my curiosity get the better of me, I would have never known you. Any of you. And that makes me so.. So angry and so hurt. I would have been left to wonder about if I had the chance of a soulmate. I wouldn't have met any of you. That is not fair. It's not fair to keep that from me. To keep you all away from me." I snapped, all of them realized in this moment that I was right. Hoseok let out a sad sigh, rubbing his face with his hands. Jimin stopped eating completely, putting his fork down on the table. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi stiffened at the realization, all of them with sad looks on their faces. Taehyung pulled me into his side, hugging me tightly.

"Oh, Riles." He said, "I didn't even realize that. I'm sorry." He laid his head on mine as I snuggled into his side. Jungkook scooted closer and put his arms around the both of us, enclosing the space between him and I. "We would be left without you.. I don't think I could handle never knowing you." Jungkook said, laying his head on mine. "Me neither." Jimin reached across the table and put his hand on mine, interlocking our fingers. "I'm sorry that I upset you Riley, I didn't mean to." Hoseok shook his head, "I know you didn't. There's nothing to apologize for Hobi." I shook my head, Jungkook wiped away the tears that were falling. "But there's still something I don't completely understand." I sniffled, looking up at Jin and Yoongi.

"What is it?"

"My grandmother said she was from South Korea, she even looks south korean. Her full name is Emily Kang. " I started, "How is it that she looks like she's from my realm if you say that she is from here? From Ebonrealm?" I asked, "She could have been transported here. Possibly one of her parents could be from your realm." Yoongi suggested, shrugging his shoulders. He took a sip of his juice and started eating again, "Or she could have lied to you, Riley." Namjoon stated. More tears slipped down my cheek, my heart breaking more about this. "Riley.." I shook my head and scooted my chair back, "I'm not hungry anymore... I need some air." I stood to my feet and walked away from the table, "Riley." Taehyung quickly followed after me, as I slipped on my shoes and headed out of the cabin.

"Riley, wait!"

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