Chapter 5

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Riley's POV

As the two of us walked through the forest, I got the feeling that something was following us and it really was starting to make me anxious. "Uhmmm, Hobi." I started, hoping that he wouldn't brush me off. "Yes?" Hoseok didn't turn back to look at me, but I know he was listening to me. "I keep getting the feeling that someone or something is following us." He stopped walking, causing me to bump right into his back. He turned around, facing me and then looked around the wooded area we were in. "Are you sure?" He looked back at me, taking a few steps closer to where I was standing. The fabric of his beige shirt sleeve brushed against my arm, "Yeah." I nodded, feeling myself take a step closer to him out of fear and comfort. There was something about Hoseok's presence that kept me calm, like I knew that I would be safe with him no matter what. "Alright," He looked around once more, staying on high alert for anything. When nothing popped out or seemed suspicious, he eased up a bit. "Riley, I need you to stay close to me. No matter what. I can't lose you out here, this place is really dangerous. The others would lose it if I lost you out here, especially since I just found you. Promise you'll stay by me?" Hoseok looked me in the eyes and I could see everything that he was feeling towards me. There was this look of unconditional love in his eyes, the only kind of love you would see a person in very much love give their significant other. And while it freaked me out he felt that way because we just met, at the same time, I felt very flattered and it felt somewhat normal to me which was odd. "I promise. I'm not going to wander off, I don't know this place well." I said. "Good." He nodded, it became quiet again between the two of us and I became anxious with the silence.

Talk to him Riley, get to know him more. If he says we're soulmates, then he might really be telling the truth. Why would he lie about something that serious? Even my grandparents continuously refer to each other as soulmates. Maybe.. Just maybe, he really is telling me truth. I didn't get the sense that he was lying, the look in his eyes told me. Talk to him, Riley.

"So, Hobi.. Tell me about yourself. What do you do?"

"Well, I'm an adventurer. I do a lot of odd jobs here and there throughout town and even help others in the towns I travel to. Actually, all of us are adventurers. That's how we make our money." Hobi explained, "Wow.. That's cool. You get to travel all over different parts of your realm." I looked down at the ground in front of me, wanting to feel as free as he was. "What about your family?" I looked up at him, I could see a faint smile on his face before it slowly went away. "My parents were actually shop owners, they ran a nice little bakery in a small town just 25 miles away from here. My older sister often helped them out, she would travel outside of town to promote our small business." He explained, I noticed that he looked sad for some reason. "Why do you seem so sad? Do you not see them often?" I asked, "I.. I lost them just over a year ago. I was traveling at the time with some our soulmates out of the country to look for you.. And there was a huge riot back home, they were caught in the crossfire..." I placed a hand on his shoulder, a tingle shot up my arm and it seemed Hoseok felt it too. "I'm sorry I brought it up." I apologized, he looked up at me and gave me a warm smile. "It's okay. You didn't know and we're getting to know one another." He shook his head, our eyes met and I gave him a smile back.

"What are the others like?" I asked.

"Well, they can seem like a lot to handle to anyone who doesn't know them. They all have their own unique view on everything and sometimes that can cause us to butt heads but we all love and respect one another. I know that this will be a lot to handle but you will soon feel comfortable enough with them. I just have to warn you our maknaes can be a little touchy, they might want to hug you at first. If you're not comfortable with that then I can let them know." He explained, "No, it's fine. I strangely feel really comfortable with you. I.. I just know that you won't hurt me." I said, a small smile on my face. Hoseok smiled at me, his eyes twinkling.

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