Chapter One | NYU

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I'm running late.

First day of university and I'm rushing through the campus trying to find my class. English Lit. Nobody here looks particularly willing to help me - despite me sticking out like a sore thumb. It's clear that I'm new here.

"Hey, you look like you're in a rush. Need some help?" A girl asks me. Thank God. She stops leaning against the wall and walks up to me, taking a look at my phone to see my agenda. "My name is Jasmine by the way. Probably should've introduced myself before hand." She laughs.

"Tamara." I smile, "Thanks for helping. Is it that obvious that I'm lost?"

Jasmine tilts her head to the side with a small smile, "Just a bit. But I'll help you out. First year here? I sense an accent."

I nod slowly and check the time on my phone. "Yeah, British. I need to find my English Lit class. But all these rooms are looking to damn same to me."

Jasmine laughs and links arms with me, guiding me through the hallway, "I like you already Tamara. My class isn't too far from there. I'll lead you to it."

Thankfully, I'm not too late by the time we arrive at the door. Jasmine waves goodbye and I step in. After moving from the UK, I'm not exactly accustomed to the way things work here yet. Luckily my mum has connections with some of the professors to help me get the hang of thing here.

When I walk in, people are still standing around making conversation, so I find my seat at the back of the room, taking out my earphones and book from my tote bag. The teacher comes in a short while after and I recognise her as one of my mum's old friends. That's a good sign.

"Alright I am here. Settle down and find a place to sit." Miss Pierce instructs, and people file into the seats. "I'm Miss Pierce to those who don't know me. If you earn enough brownie points with me, you can call me Mabel." Which gets the class laughing.

I am about to tuck my phone away when a strong smell of cologne envelopes my senses, that smells good. I turn and find a boy laughing with his friend with the softest looking hair. He must sense my staring because he turns to me with a curious expression.

He opens his mouth but gets interrupted by Mabel. We have a new book to read for next week. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reading, but something about getting a deadline for reading a book doesn't sit well with me, and something about a trip in the near future.

I let out an exasperated sigh and read my own book, while the class wait for further instructions.

"Is Tamara Myers in the room?" Mabel asks. I raise my head and we make eye contact. Mabel nudges her head towards the door. I follow her out, not missing the way the boy mouths my name.

When I follow her out of the room she gives me a hug and takes me by the shoulders, "It's been a long time Mara. I honestly didn't think that your mother was being serious when she said that you were coming to New York."

"I didn't think that I was going actually going to come here either." I reply honestly.

"Well, anything you need help with, you'll know where to find me." With that, we walk back into the room, and I sit back, this time with the class' attention all on me. "I understand she's pretty, but stop the staring. Ok, take out your books."

Thankfully, everyone listens and the attention shifts away from me. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being in the spotlight every once in a while, but not too much because my face tends to go really red, involuntarily.

"Myers, huh? Somehow that sounds familiar." He whispers from beside me. Leaning back on his seat and crossing his arms. Woah his voice is deep.

"Really? You must have me confused with someone else." I reply. My mum is quite well known but I doubt he'd know anything about me.

"Huh, you're definitely not from here, are you Myers?"

My eyebrows raise slightly as I tilt my head, "You seem to think you've got me all figured out, I don't even know a single thing about you. But yes, I'm not from here."

"Thought so." He replies whimsically, brushing his hand through his hair.

"So are you going to tell me your name? Or am I going to have to pry it out of you. I can't lie, you knowing so much about me is kind of creepy." I smile.

He laughs softly and shakes his head. "Alright Myers, I'm Kai Wesley."

My jaw almost drops when I hear his name because that is a really nice name.

Maybe it's because of my obsession with Kai Parker - but who knows.

"Wow, you have a beautiful name." I blurt, not helping myself. "Sorry." I wince.

He smiles again and spins his pen around with his fingers impressive, "Nah, you're good and thank you. Tamara Myers isn't too bad of a name either."

I can't resist the urge to roll my eyes. But before I get the chance to retort, Mabel dismisses everyone. He grabs his bag and files out with the rest of the class. Leaving me in my seat.


"Kai? Oh yeah, I definitely know who he is. We went to the same high school. Everyone we've ever known is obsessed with that boy. I mean, I don't blame them. Plays hockey, reads, and plays the guitar - what's not to like?" Jasmine informs me, as we sit in the cafeteria.

"Interesting. Well, hockey isn't as popular back home. Sure it can be cold, but it's not that cold." Jasmine nods and bites into her sandwich.

"Well, we love our hockey boys. Soccer and football are strong contenders too, I guess."

"Hold on, soccer and football?" I ask.

"Yeah, what do you guys call it?"

"Well I thought for a second that soccer and football are the same thing. But it's football and rugby, for us at least."

Jasmine nods and takes her phone out, sliding it across the table. I look up at her and type my phone number into her phone, taking mine out to do the same.

"Now we have each others' numbers you are officially my new best friend." Jasmine announces.


At the end of the day, I find my dorm room and call my mum. My roommate walks in and makes herself comfortable on her side of the room. Her name is Lilah and she seems nice enough, she's also in my english class. Once my mum lets me go for the night end the call and throw my phone up into a bun.

"Your mom seems nice." Lilah compliments, closing down her laptop.

"Yeah she is." I nod, sitting in a more comfortable position.

"I had to ask, is your mom Laura Myers? As in the attorney?" She asks, and honestly I can't blame her. When my dad died, she went back to university and got into law school and made quite a name for herself. She seems to be known by everyone.

To answer Lilah's question, I nod. "Yes, the very same."

[ Not Edited ]

Welcome to my book! I hope you stick around

I don't think this chapter was very good.... But let me know how you guys found it!

It introduces you to 3/4 of our main characters of the story. Hopefully you enjoy it. It's a little introduction for what's to come...

Anyways, have a great day! Please vote and comment. See you at the end of chapter 2!

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