Chapter Nineteen | Out Of Our Misery

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- Kai Wesley -

The party ends and everyone retreats into their hotel rooms for the night. Tamara collapses on the bed and removes her heels and the bow from her hair straight away.

"I can't believe that I survived so long with these on. My feet are killing me." When I sit opposite her, she looks up at me, "Hey, are you ok? I couldn't find you towards the end. James came to talk to me, but Enzo and I sorted it out."

That was pretty quick.

"Yeah, I'm good. If I was there I would've given him a piece of my mind." I reply, removing my blazer.

"I don't think he'll be bothering us anymore." She sighs, biting her inner cheek. "He really pushed my buttons. I don't think that I overreacted but he needed to be set straight."

She grips her sheets in annoyance and bows her head. We sit in a comfortable silence before I extend my arm and take her hand in mine. "Hey," Tamara looks up at the sound of my voice, "like you said, he won't be bothering us anymore. Ignore whatever he had to say, alright?"

She takes a deep breath before nodding, and her hands slowly lose the deadly grip on her sheets, "Yep, I just need a shower." She takes her pyjamas and walks into the bathroom, locking the door.

I definitely feel like Jasmine and I missed something that he said. I can feel it. He was horribly out of order and I'm surprised that she didn't punch him, honestly.

I refrain from saying anything else. She'll talk about it when she's ready. The last thing I'd want to do is her uncomfortable.

When Tamara comes out, she sits on her bed scrolling through the pictures that we took at the event, including the one Jasmine took of us on the rooftop. She looks a lot more calmer.

"I'm feeling better now and I've gotten so many dms asking who you are. The song in the back really makes it better too." She laughs. I sit on her bed with her, and she leans onto my chest as we look through more pictures. "I managed to get a cute photo of Enzo and Jasmine too. Hey, look at this one."

I take her phone and look at the photo, "Enzo's going to love this one. You should probably send it to him." She shares the photo and continues to scroll until we reach one of her in front of a mirror, "I'd appreciate if you sent me that one, please."

She shakes her head and groans, "This one is nowhere near cute. I'm probably going to delete it."

"There's no way you're deleting that picture. You look beautiful in it." Once she gives in and hands me the phone, I look for my contact on her phone. "What's my contact on your phone?"

"Loser <3" She whispers. When I find it, I send it to myself and give her phone back. "I hope you're happy, that picture better not go anywhere. Anyway, did you like Bianca and Ben?"

I nod and comb through the ends of her hair, "Your friends are cool. The rooftop hangout spot is a good spot."

"You're right it is. But to be honest, I think I like New York a little better. Although this place will always be home for me." Tamara sighs draping her arm over my torso.

"How come you like New York better?"

"Probably the people. I really like the little friendship group we have." She replies.

I hum in acknowledgement, and she turns to me, "Do you remember the day we got locked in that storage room?" How could I forget?

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I'm not sure you remember much but you were pretty out of it, and you said some rather interesting stuff." She teases softly.

What did I do?

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