Chapter Three | Differences

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- Kai Wesley -

After the English Lit class, I make my way to Enzo who's waiting for me outside the lecture hall. I notice Tamara leaving with Jasmine arm in arm and we're still in the first days. Something tells me that their friendship is going to be quite troublesome.

I greet Enzo with our handshake and we walk to our dorm room. "So did you manage to practice your guitar enough for tomorrow?" He asks.

I nod my head just barely, thinking about what happened after Enzo had left. Tamara seemed to get really defensive but I didn't mean it in a bad way, I swear it.

"Just enough. I wanted to get more practice in, but I think I'll be good for tomorrow."

"If you say so. I'm just asking, because the last thing I need is for you to pull out a guitar and start serenading the stars while I'm trying to memorise a case."

I roll my eyes and break into a grin, "I can't keep any promises. But what I will say, is if I'm serenading anyone - it'll be you."

Enzo swings his arm around neck and laughs. I've been best friends with him since we were little kids. We did end up splitting for a bit since he moved schools. But after a year, he moved back. And I'm going to assume it's because he missed me so much.

So it's been me, Enzo and Jasmine for as long as I can remember, there was also this other kid Lucas that joined several years later. But he now goes to our rival college Ivy U.

"Anyway, speaking of cases. I'm struggling to believe that Laura Myers' daughter goes to our college. She seems really nice too." Enzo points out.

We arrive at our dorm and I grab my keys from my pocket and unlock the door, letting us both inside. "She is pretty cool. But she is her own person you know? Not just Laura's daughter." I trail off.

"Of course." He nods, sitting on his bed. "You hungry?" He asks eventually.

Perfect timing. My stomach starts to rumble and he grabs his keys. "Let's go to eat. The we can talk about coach's new training schedule for ice hockey."

I almost forgot.

Because the team overall have been slacking. Coach had been upping the intensity of training - meaning longer hours. What he doesn't understand is that we've just started college so we're focusing more on passing our classes rather than hockey. It's ironic because if we don't get good enough grades, we're benched from playing hockey. So basically, we're at a disadvantage anyhow.

"Wesley? You coming or what?" Enzo urges.

I don't even realise that he's already out the door. I grab my hoodie and walk out, closing the door behind me.


I open the door to the new cafe just across from campus, letting us both in. The bell letting the waiters know what we are here. Enzo is about to choose a table when his eyes light up as he sees Jasmine and Tamara sitting at a booth towards the back.

He beckons me over to their table and we slide into their booths. Enzo sitting next to Jasmine and me, Tamara.

"Great to see you again. What a small world we live in." I laugh, much to Tamara's discontent. She mumbles something under her breath but plasters a picture perfect smile.

"Hey Kai, Enzo. What are you doing here?" Jasmine asks.

"We came here to eat, saw you guys and thought that we might join you." Enzo answers.

Tamara smiles but doesn't say anything until the waiter comes to collect everyone's orders. Then her phone rings and she excuses herself, leaving the table.

"So what's your deal this season with hockey?" Jasmine asks, making conversation.

Enzo leans back with a huff and side eyes her slightly. "Coach is making us come in more often, there's barely enough time to actually study. I still want to do well, hockey is more of a hobby for me."

Jasmine and I nod with understanding and her gaze shifts to me, awaiting my reply.

"Enzo's right. This season is looking difficult. And we've already got a ton of assignments that are going to pile up."

Tamara comes back and tucks her phone into her back pocket. I get out of the booth so she can slide into her seat again.

"Maybe you should get a tutor or something. Or you could just quit?" Jasmine shrugs, causing Tamara's eyes to widen in alarm.

"What did I miss?" She asks.

Enzo quickly fills her in on everything we've just been talking about and she takes everything in slowly. "I guess it will be quite difficult. I'm not sure how to help you there, maybe either work on your time management or you drop it. I highly doubt you want to be too overwhelmed with it all." She suggests.

Jasmine laughs, "You say either funny."

Tamara furrows her eyebrows, "What are you talking about? No I don't?"

"You pronounce it differently to us Americans. That's for sure." Jasmine muses.

Tamara waves her off, "I'll speak however I want to, thank you very much. Hopefully everyone else gets the hint for what I'm trying to say."

I shake my head at that comment and all our orders come as we begin to eat. Talking about randomness until the topic lands to Tamara and her background.

"So Tamara." Enzo starts off, "what bring you here in the US?"

She leans back in her seat and wipes her face quickly before answering. "Well, I've always wanted to move here one day. Just for a fresh start. My mum supported the idea and here I am." She shrugs.

"You also say mom differently." Jasmine points out with a smile.

In response, she rolls her eyes with a small smile and flings her pasta at Jasmine with her fork. "I don't even think I have an accent. You guys are the ones that sound weird. It's almost as if you're constantly singing."

I can't help but laugh at that comment, "Thanks Myers?" Not knowing if that was a compliment or not, but taking it either way.

Tamara calls the waiter back and asks for bill, taking money out of her purse.

"So what else do you say differently?" I ask this time.

"It's not what I say differently that matters." She laughs, "It's you losers' inability to understand what I'm trying to say. The words aren't all that different."

"So how would you say candy?"


"French fries?"

"I'm pretty sure they're not even french. But they are chips."

"So what do you call chips then?" Enzo asks intrigued.

"Your chips are crisps to me."

"Well Tamara, you can't go around saying those words or else people won't understand what you're trying to say first go." Jasmine says.

Tamara groans and hits her head on the headrest of the booth repeatedly. The waiter comes back collecting the money but stands there awkwardly.

Her eyes open and she stares him down slowly getting worried. "Is there something wrong?" She asks.

I lean over to her and whisper in her ear, "We usually have to tip here too."

Tamara groans as we all laugh, taking out another bill and giving it to him. Then he finally walks away. "I don't mean to be rude. But I give up."


Some differences between England and America that I thought I'd throw in. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.

Make sure you follow our insta and tiktok.

Have a great day! And see you in the next one..

- Coco <3

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