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Light picked up my essay again and began to read it. Moments later I spoke.
"Light"I said.
He imimmediately looked to me.
His eyes submerged in mine.
"Is there something you want to tell me?"
He flinched. Even though the
'Light yagami ' kept his cool all the time.
Not infront of me.
"What?" Light asked. His eyes only focused on me.
"About the essay, anything you wanna say"
Lights eyes flashed many emotions and he looked back to the paper and then to me.
"Oh,yes. An excellent essay. Full marks as always" he mumbled.
I smiled and took the paper back.
Hah that definitely messed with him.
"Alright I'll take my leave"
I announced and turned to leave but he caught my wrist.
I was Surprised.
"What?" I stated and looked at him .
I observed as he thought calmly. That's what any one would say. But I saw through him. In reality, he was fighting inside. Different emotions playing in his head battling against each other. His logical side took over in the end. He let go of my hand hesitantly and shook his head as a 'nothing'.
I left his house. From my own window I gazed at Light. Rapidly scribbling down in his notebook. Or should I say, murdering people with his death note. days passed and the same cycle went on. Only difference is that I stayed away from him for a bit. It had been exactly 5 days since Light first found the Death note. That meant that
The God of death would show up today.
I looked at my watch and smirked. Since I have a piece of Light's death note,Ryuk is visible to me. Earlier today I dropped some apples by Light's house.
I hope Ryuk enjoys them.

Lights perspective :
I just arrived from school with perfect grades. My eyes shifted to Y/N's house. For a few days now, we haven't hung out and....
I hate that.
Going into my room, I opened the Death Note to look over the pages of names I had written down. I flipped through slowly looking at my writing. Suddenly, I heard an odd voice from my right.
"You managed to write far more names than I'd imagined in just 5 days"
I flipped my head to see a monstrous creature standing tall above me with a sinister stare.
My blood ran cold .
I fell backwards, shocked. My horrified gaze met his eerie one. Well ,I was terrified but soon understood what was on. The creature introduced himself to me as Ryuk, a shinigami. He explained the nature of the Death Note and Shinigami. It made perfect sense to me.Suddenly we were interrupted by my mother. I was worried about her seeing Ryuk but to my astonishment she was unable to see or hear Ryuk. She gave me some apples from Y/N which Ryuk wolfed down. He had a predilection for apples. I guess I could use that to my advantage.

Ryuk told me he dropped the Death Note into the human world because he was bored and wanted some entertainment.

"Well. I've been bored as well, and I have decided to use the Death Note to rid the world of wicked people." I stated in a serious tone.

Ryuk creepily smiled wide and stepped closer to me.

" if you killed all the bad people in the world, then you'd be the only bad person left. "

I didn't understand this remark.
" I will become the God of the new world, that I will create." I announced.

Ryuk was excited at the prospect.
"Your an interesting one"
Ryuk mumbled while his eyes roamed my face. His gaze slightly shifted to behind me,outside the window and his creepy smile grew wider.
"But not more than her...."
He whispered something inaudible to me. I turned around and followed his gaze but it was just Y/N's house. And an empty window.

Reader's perspective:

There I was. Looking at Light yagami and Ryuk's first ever encounter. It was exactly like I had seen. But then the Shinigami's glowing red eyes turned to me. His sinister gaze pierced my soul. His smile grew large and he whispered something. I tried to read his lips but I had to duck down before Light followed his gaze. Does Ryuk know that I can see him? Well even if he knew he wouldn't tell Light.
I slowly lifted my head to see they were still there. I sat back down and thought about the next few days.
Its almost time for
L to come in view now.

Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Where stories live. Discover now