58] Afraid to fall in love

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"It's four , you dumbshit!"
I muttered in absolute fury.
Oh, no.
Ryuk stopped his shrieking now.
I hoped and hoped that he hadn't heard it but luck just ...isn't there when you need it.
The monstrous creature bent over the table , getting closer to my face while I tried my level best to not look at him and pretend I never said anything.
A sickly smirk made it's way up his terrifying face as he stared into my soul.
"WELL THAT'S A NEW ONE!" He yelled as
I bit my tongue in annoyance .
I messed up big time....
"Y/N !!!! OH Y/N~"
I didn't acknowledge him at all and continued scribbling in my notebook.
"SHUT UP" I whisper yelled worriedly.
"You will not open your mouth about this!"
I said now facing the huge creature.
He looked like he would devour me alive with his sinister grin.
I anxiously smiled while joining my hands together for a 'please I beg you'.
"I'll buy you apples."
The rest of the lecture was just Ryuk floating around me, begging me to tell him how I can see him . He said that he knew I was X But he didn't know that I could see him too. Well...
I kept changing the topic and hoped he'd keep his mouth shut like he had promised.
"That was a long lecture, wasn't it?" Said Light approaching me desk while I stuffed the stationary in my bag.
"Yeah..... VERY long lecture" I said feeling tired as hell . Maybe it was because of Ryuk, but my head was throbbing again.
Light focused on my sleepy features for a moment or two, and then placed the back of his hand on my forehead, catching me totally offguard.
"Hey! what're you-"
"Y/n you have a fever. " he said a bit uneasy.
"We're going home " Light's voice was calm but commanding as he turned around and started pulling me along with him.
"Light, I have a part time job"
I said ,sighing.
Light stopped and looked at me . His calculating face just stared at my stern eyes.
"Which one is it today?"
"The Convenience store one . But why are you-"
"Fine I'm coming with you "
Light had made his concluding statement, and there was so use arguing with this man.
"You are soooo stubborn you know"
I muttered while I rolled my eyes at him.
"You are too " he said while catching a hold of my hand again as we walked past the campus and onto the cluttered streets.
Light and I talked about so much while I wonder where that monstrous Ryuk had disappeared to.
"This is it" I said pointing to the green and white store before us.
While we walked through the automatic doors I just couldn't stop thinking if Light was here just to spy on me. That thought just pissed me off.
I greeted my coworkers while putting my hair up with my claw clip.
"Are you just going to stand here and watch me work?" I questioned Light.
"That's the reason I came here Y/n" he said completely unbothered.
"Well you better not. Sit comfortably on that table there and finish your homework or something , but don't you dare stand here stare at me yagami junior"
I said while making an embarrassed expression, as my manager gave me the side eye as she passed by.
Light stiffled a laugh and smiled a little before he began wandering off into the store just like I asked.
I tied my green and white Apron and got behind the cash counter , taking my coworker's place. I prepared myself to deal with hellish customers again.
Some of them were so rude that I felt like my mom from the real world was better. Well not exactly, but you get the point.
Minutes passed by so quickly that I didn't even realise when my shift was over. I was about to leave the counter when a noticed a last customer.
Light slid a few mints and a sheet of Paracetamol across with a folded note.
"Just these please" he muttered politely.
I scanned them and passed back a few coins for change while putting his items in a bag and handing it over to him.
He pushed it back to me .
"For you " he said smiling.
I couldn't help but think again and again
Am I falling for Light Yagami or is Kira getting to me?Hopefully none. But when I look at his caring chocolate brown eyes... The maniac within just becomes invisible to m- FOCUS Y/N . I tell myself again. I know it too... that I'm afraid to fall in love.
I undid my Apron and nodded at my coworker while walking alongside Light.
"Who told you to waste money on this?
I have medicine at home " I said while I grabbed his hand, instinctively.
I dropped it back down when I noticed , but he held onto my arm ,still.
"No you don't! I remember seeing your medical box. You should start caring about your health or else"

"Or else what?" I said while laughing.
"Or else you will face health issues "
he said,chuckling.
"Oh come on Light! I'm not the type to die of health issues. Unless Kira has some other plans for me" I let a smirk grace my lips, wanting to catch Light's reaction.
His eyes changed immediately.
"Don't say that . Kira ...would never kill you.
Light said sounding a bit displeased with my statement.
"How can you be so sure?" I asked smiling while elbowing his arm.
" He only kills criminals"
Retorted Light, now avoiding my playful gaze .
"Yeah but if-"
before I could finish he looked towards his house and spoke.
"Mom will be so happy that you're having dinner with us "
Changing the topic was always his speciality.
Light opened the door and stepped in while I removed my shoes and arranged them on the rack.
"I'm home " he announced loud and clear.
" mom, Y/n's having dinner with us" he said while going up the stairs.
Sayu looked over from the TV and Mrs. Yagami came out of the kitchen quick.
"Y/n ! My child , where are you nowadays huh! You forgot about us ?" She said while catching my arm.
"I was busy with my job mam.. I'll come more often now! " I chirped .
" you better!" She cupped my face but suddenly rushed back inside when she smelt her soup from the kitchen.
"Missed you y/n " said sayu hugging me tightly.
"Same, you little demon" I laughed while I ran up the stairs after Light.
The though of the next clue being in Light Yagami's closet crossed my mind again.
The purpose of my visit was just that... but what if he found it before me?
I plopped myself on Light's bed and decided to make the move quick.
"Light..." I said while fiddling with his books.
"Hmmm? " He said while holding out a packet of chips.
"What're you going to wear for that party that jin told you about?" I said casually grabbing a fre chips.
Light pondered for a moment.
"I haven't decided yet. Why do you ask?" He quirked a brow.
"Er uh i thought it would be cool if we uh.... matched ya'know "
A blush engulfed Light's cheeks. He cleared his throat
"Dont ..Couples do that kind of thing?" He said flustered.
"I mean, if you dont wanna thats okay"
I said .
" I never said that!" He was quick to respond with his cheeks all red and light brown orbs worriedly looking into mine.
"Great!" I said smiling, victorious.
"So you have anything specific in mind?" Light asked .
I pretended to think for a moment.
"I'll have to see your closet and figure out first"

Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant