42]Light's mother

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My apologies for the late update.
I was really busy but I'll be way more consistent now so keep reading my dear readers.

"What the hell" Light thought.
The calm look on his face was very different from the inside.
This Second Kira had the Shinigami eyes.This person was a big threat.
And just how stupid was this individual? Just mindlessly saying those terms out in a broadcast.
It annoyed him to the core.
These thoughts clouded Light's mind completely. An odd silence had filled the room. Everyone, trying to comprehend what they'd heard.
The silence broke when I got up from the couch and sat on the study table.
"Well the Second Kira wants to meet Kira" I stated picking up a file lying on the desk and running my eyes over it calmy.L seemed unusually fazed.
His mouth agape and his eyes wide.
He got up and strided my way taking a seat parallel to me.
"Y/N...can.. S-Shinigami exist?"
He mumbled out questionably.
My hands released the paper lightly.
A faint smirk trying to form on my lips but stopping itself as from the corner of my eye I saw Light shifting in his seat ,uncomfortably.
My ears were filled with Ryuks resounding cackles.
Well before I'd answer this one Matsuda spoke. "S-shinigami? What do you mean." he hesitantly spoke. Mogi laughed like a beast ."oh don't be ridiculous "
"Let's send in the response"
Light changed the topic. "He's right" I added to which his eyes followed my voice and retsed on my face.
Gaze soft but heart malicious. It had been a while since I talked to him,I thought.
"The rain seems to have stopped "
I remarked knowingly.
"Let's head out then" Light called out.
His mother proudly smirked in the corner.
L's dull eyes became darker.
As if someone decreased the brightness of a phone screen.
His lips slightly formed a pout?
"Are you leaving...Y/N?" He muttered out almost sounding innocent .
Light replied instead.
"Yes,Ryuzaki we'll see you later then" he spoke without interest while pushing the door open.
"Dear,you go with them I'll work till a bit late" said Mr yagami to Light's mother. She smiled at him once more and followed Light outside,walking ahead while Light patiently waited for me.
I looked at L one last time and smiled while waving a 'bye' but he just froze in response. After waiting for another second I just left.
But L stood there his cheeks red and his whole body fixated to the spot. He suddenly smiled to himself and furrowed his brows realising how awkward he looked and the way he missed the chance to say bye. Still barefoot he ran outside and stood staright up."Y/N "he yelled seeing the 3 figures walking ahead.
I turned around a bit confused seeing him standing outside like that.
And then he smiled.
He waved his hands awkwardly as if trying to say bye. I laughed Lightheartedly and screamed "Bye!!" L blushed . I turned around to see mother and son both standing together with the same look on their face. They almost looked like Tv serial's evil ,conspiring daughter in laws.
I couldn't control my laughter at this point ,oh boy it was the right choice to enter death note.

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