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" I'll kill you if you don't obey my orders" Light's voice deeped more.
As soon as those words left Light's mouth , I saw the silent Shinigami in the corner get aggravated. Rem stood tall behind Misa and grimaced at Light.
"If any harm comes to Misa , your name will be in my death note" She spoke in her deep threatening voice.
I saw them slowly walking towards the door. Light turned the Knob and they walked out,down the stairs. I crept outside and approached the window.
I looked down at the ground from the window. Well ,if I didn't want to be caught..
I slowly climbed down the sill and and jumped down. THUMP . I better run inside my house fast before people wonder why it sounded like an elephant just fell from the sky.
Light and Misa walked down the stairs as he led her to the doorway. Light's mother slowly emerged from the dining table and Sayu too brought her attention from the TV to the current scene. Misa walked through the door and Light shut it behind her.
Light's mother scoffed at her son .
"She's your girlfriend you say!?" She frowned. Light wasn't sure what to say.
He too grimaced at the thought but that was the most sensible thing to do in that situation. Sayu's snarled a bit as she looked at her elder brother.
"What about Y/n!?" She yelled.
Light's stomach churned . He was in a state of dilemma.
"He can't even answer himself,what will he answer us!" His mother snapped.
"We've seen the way you look at her! The love you have for her in your eyes!"
"Then why are you doing this!" Light's mother asked now a bit concerned. Light furrowed his brows.
"Listen here Light!" Sayu yelled.
"I don't care if you call her your girlfriend. But the only one who I'll ever accept is
Y/n!" She said before storming inside.
" Why do you people care so much, it's my life!" Light finally said .
His mother looked him in the eyes with anger. Light didn't know what to do now.
He hated Misa but he couldn't say that...
He knew his family was right about Y/n. His heart ached when he thought of her. Misa could never ever replace her! How would he handle this situation....
but then Light realised. He was the mighty Light Yagami. Always using the fake persona. Ofcoarse he could use it to his advantage.
He softened his gaze.
"M-mom" Light spoke out in a defeated sounding voice .
His mother's eyes and behavior softened too. She looked at her child with some concern.
"That girl Misa... She's been behind me for a long time now." He said sounding fed up.
"I don't know how many times I've told her I wasn't interested bur she just wouldn't leave me" He muttered.
" She is so sly,that she tricked me into agreeing she's my girlfriend " he said sadly.
Light's mother placed a hand on her mouth.
"How shameless.." She whispered.
"Yes mother... but I'll find a way to get rid of her soon... I never want to hurt Y/n because of Misa.." Light said,now pinching his nosebridge. Light's mother sighed.
She pulled him into a hug.
" Oh light... I'm sorry for judging you like that son. I know girls like that.. and my son is so kind he doesn't want to hurt her feelings by rejecting her... "
Light smirked from behind.
"It's fine son this obstacle named Misa shall leave your life soon" She pat his back.
"I hope so...mom" he whispered ,smirking once more before he pulled away.
Light was a genius at manipulation ,
wasn't he?
<At the Task Force office>

"When are they going to come?" A restless mogi asked again. Soichiro Yagami sighed once more. "They should be here soon" he muttered. They all stared at L who was as usual lost in his own thoughts. But these thoughts were not his usual ones,they were of Y/n. To think of it , now Y/n's thoughts had become his new usual,He thought. He blushed a little bit taking a sip of his tea. Maybe him and Y/n could ear cupcakes together again today? His cheeks reddened more.
Matsuda was already a bit creeped out looking at L staring at the wall with wide eyes,sipping tea with red cheeks. Soichiro cleared his throat before the door clicked open. L's eyes immediately focused on the door. Excited,Seeing Light walk in and waiting for a woman to emerge from behind but being disappointed when Light shut the door behind him.
"Where's Y/n?" Soichiro asked curiously having L's full attention.
Light frowned a bit. "I haven't seen her since she went home yesterday, she wasn't home in the morning either" Light said a bit disappointed. Soichiro Yagami hummed.
"Must've had some work " he Said as Light sat together with the others. They began discussing but L was in his own thoughts.
Where was Y/n? How was Y/n?
"Ryuzaki!" Matsuda said louder than before finally getting L out of his trance.
" so Light We've gotten a new audiotape being broadcast from the Second Kira"
Mogi started.
"announcing their loyalty to Kira"
Light maintained his expression.
"Is that so?" He muttered.
The room remained silent for a few moments.
"They both have met."
L said breaking the silence in his monotonous voice.
"Why do you think tha-
Light started but L ignored him.
"They're working together" he said now looking at Light in his eyes.
The tension in between the two increased more.
"This heightens suspicion on you Light"
L said louder. Light flinched.
"The tape did not demand I show my face.
And you know my face " he spoke clearly.
Mogi and matsuda looked at the two warily.
Light countered the claim but it didn't help. The ongoing conversation angered Mr Yagami more." Can we stop this discussion comparing Light to Kira"
He snapped finally.
One by one ,everyone slowly left the Task Force office. Light and soichiro left first.
Later Mogi ,who had been scolded by his wife and then Matsuda.
L sat there all alone ,staring at his cup of coffee that was now nearly over. He stared down at his hands. Watari stood in the corner observing the cameras.

>>>>Meanwhile somewhere else >>>>

"Where the hell am I???" Y/n yelled in her head as her eyes had finally opened. Well shit,what the hell was this new problem?!

Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Where stories live. Discover now