37]Someone is falling in love.

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Light squeezed his pen.
"After her stupid prank. I hate her" his voice was serious.
Is he still stuck up on that?
I looked into Light's eyes.
"Forget about that Light,it's been ages"
I laughed a bit. But Light wasn't amused.
His grip on the pen became tighter and he moved his gaze. "Y/n,you can forget it but I can never. Never." His voice was so serious. "Her dumb prank shattered my heart to pieces. I can't even dream about losing you but she..." his voice became worried and frustrated now. Light clenched the bridge of his nose for a second. He looked really paranoid.
I was about to speak but the door burst open.
"Y/N! I've brought you snacks" Sayu chirped as she hurried in. She placed a plate of pudding on the desk.
"Atleast you did one thing right" Light remarked as he wrote with the pen .
Sayu rolled her eyes as she jumped on his bed. "I swear, If I could switch out my sibling " she muttered while leaving the room. In peace me and Light finished our homework. None of us talked,to be honest the silence was comfortable.
"You haven't touched your pudding "Light muttered.
"I can't write and eat at the same time" I stated while continuing to fill in the book.
I noticed with the corner of my eye,Light's faint smile. He raised the pudding in his hand and took the spoon in the other.
"Keep writing " he said as he raised the spoon to my mouth.
I stopped writing and froze for a second.
Is this guy trying to feed me right now?
I would push him away but the pudding looked enticing on a second thought. So I...just let him do his thing. The cool breeze hit me as I wrote and Light affectionately fed me. Can't be too bad right? I'll think of it as my slave feeding me. That's more like it.
From behind that door Sayu and her mother watched us. Fangirling like crazy.
Light's perspective :

As Y/N left,I closed my room door after seeing her go inside her house.
I always hate saying goodbye to her.
On a serious note,what happened yesterday could be a real threat for me.
One thing was clear to me now... whoever this fake Kira was ,impersonating me, was able to kill just by seeing someone's face.
That means they could get ones name just by seeing the face.
That's what Ryuk said about having Shinigami eyes.... that means this fake Kira has the Shinigami eyes.
This new Kira needs to be dealt with... I think I'll join the Task Force somehow. I need to catch this second Kira before they do...

At the task force~
"What do you mean Ryuzaki!" Mogi yelled.
L didn't flinch. His eyes remained on the cup and he stuck his tongue out for a second.
"Too less sugar" he mumbled before throwing in three sugar cubes into the cup.
"Ryuzaki answer me!" Screamed Mogi.
"Ah yes." Replied L calmy.
The others now all listening attentively.
"I think... The one who striked yesterday wasn't the Kira we know"
His words were monotonous and clear as always.
His hand recahed out to the cup again.
"What,how can you say that" Matsuda asked scratching his head.
Soichiro yagami held head.
"He's right Ryuzaki,why would it be a new Kira"
L stayed silent for a moment.
Sipping his tea slowly and placing the cup down a second later. His thumb rested on his lip.
"This Kira acts more cowardly and targets innocents without needing a name."
He uttered.
All the others gave it a thought,considering it now.
"Mr yagami" mumbled.
The said man turned his attention to him.
"I suggest .....
to place Light on the Task Force"
Mr yagami's eyes widened a bit and he quirked a brow.
"But I thought you are still suspicious of him" Soichiro muttered.
"Exactly..." said L,taking the last sip of the cup.
"And..." his voice became soft and low, almost unclear.
"Can you ask Y/n to join too....." he whispered.
A bead of sweat trickled down Mr yagami's forehead.
"Uh,y-yes" he managed to say.
L did something odd.
He smiled . An action a bit unknown to his emotionless,dull face.
And most odd ,was the light pink blush that painted his pale cheeks.
Well,well,well I wonder what is going on.

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