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Me: What are you doing here?

"Hi...come on in," I heard Arielle's voice from behind me. I turned around to see her in a tank top and soccer shorts. Well okay. This is about to be...something. "I'm Arielle." Carmen stepped inside the foyer and gave me a hug. "I'm Carmen, Nia's best friend."

Me: We were just hanging out...maybe I should check on the boys.
Arielle: My room is this way. Come on.
Carmen: You are so fine!
Me: Car!
Arielle: It's fine. You are too. Thank you!

Jesus Christ. Arielle led us up the stairs.
Carmen: I was just telling Nia that I wanted to have a...
Me: CAR!

I yanked her arm... "What?! I was just gonna say a girls night. I missed you!" We made eye contact. Arielle turned into her room and I kept going to check on the boys. "You thought I was gonna tell her that I wanted to fuck her huh..." she whispered to me.

I knocked on the boys' door. "Y'all good?" "Yeah!" Their eyes never left the TV screen. "Okay just checking..." I closed the door back and turned to head back toward's Arielle's room. Carmen was RIGHT up on me. "What are you doing?!" I grit my teeth whispering. "I told you I wanted you. And I'm not gonna stop until I have you and maybe her." We approached Arielle's doorway. "Please behave." She grazed my ass and led the way inside. "Make me..." she whispered.

Arielle: Have a seat wherever you'd like.

"On your face would be nice," Carmen mumbled. JESUS CHRIST.

Carmen: So what were y'all up to?
Me: We were just hanging out.
Carmen: That ain't what you told me.
Arielle: Oh yeah...what'd she say?
Me: I told her we were hanging out.

I gave Carmen a look and mouthed "behave." Carmen took a seat in Arielle's desk chair. I sat with Arielle on the bed.

Arielle: Y'all wanna roll up?
Carmen: I'm down.
Me: Carmen gets a little handsy when she's high.
Carmen: I'm always handsy. You should know.

Arielle gave me a look and I knew then that this wouldn't end well.

Me: Can I at least put the boys to bed first?
Carmen: You always were the responsible one.
Arielle: Yeah...tell them my mom said they had to be in bed by ten. It's 9:45. They won't question it. They've been gaming all day.

So I headed back down the hall and prepared their toothbrushes. "Hey boys...turn the game off. Your mom texted me and said she wanted you guys in bed by ten. Let's brush your teeth and get your jammies on. "Awww mannn...okay."

I rushed to help them brush their teeth and change into their pajamas and tucked them into bed. "Nia...can you read us a story?" In my head I groaned. But I had to do it. I turned on their sound machine and dropped a few drops of lavender essential oil in their diffuser. Then I grabbed a book from their shelf and asked them if they read it before and dimmed their lamp. I began to read and my phone buzzed. I slipped it out of my pocket to see a picture of Carmen in Arielle's bed. She was moving in on her.

I came up on the last few pages of the book and I looked up to see that the boys had fallen asleep. I quietly closed the book not even finishing it and tiptoed out of the room, tapping the light switch on my way out. I quietly walked back to Arielle's room and hesitantly opened the door. I had no clue what to expect.

But when I did, I saw them out on the roof. Carmen was blowing a smoke ring in Arielle's face. I rushed towards the window to climb out and join them before shit went any further. But I was too late. Just as I reached the window, Carmen leaned in for a kiss. I cleared my throat just as their lips met. "Shit!" Arielle said. Carmen gave me a smirk.

Carmen: It's a party now. Come here, Nia.
Me: What are you doing?!
Arielle: It's fine. Join us.

I climbed through the window. "Here..." Carmen said passing me the joint. "Loosen up. Let's have some fun. You're so tense, best friend." I took a looooong hit and just stared at the joint. Cuz I was gonna need to be high as fuck for this night. I laid back on the roof taking another hit smoking hella smoke into the air.

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