Chapter Two

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A/N: Red Ensign Canada is referring to Canada before 1965 (when the flag changed). These two are completely different people, and present day Canada is his son. He is much grumpier then the other Canada too.

The Red Ensign Canada hated everything. He hated himself, his grandmother, the trees, the air, his powers, everything. And he hated how he had been talked into joining a war by the French Empire.

His power was dangerous. Not as dangerous as the Austrian Empire, but still dangerous. Everyone he touched, he harmed. Including himself. Which was why he never got into any stupid wars. Until now.

His grandmother had begged and pleaded until he finally obliged to join her. His hope was that if she actually managed to get AE on their side, BE and the others would surrender and REC (Red Ensign Canada) would be able to go home without doing any harm.

Of course, Britain is very stubborn, and would probably stay in the war anyways.

"Canada! I'm back with a new ally!" A voice interrupted his thoughts. His grandmother had succeeded, it seemed like.

REC turned around to see FE and AE standing right behind him. He'd never seen AE before. He looked rather... normal. He wore a uniform like everyone else, with gold lacing the cuffs of his wrists and his collar. The only peculiar thing about him were the solid gold gloves that he wore.

"Hey. I'm REC, you must be AE." The red country shook hands with the newcomer. Canada knew he should probably be terrified of turning into gold, but he didn't really care. Anything to get away from his terrible grandmother.

AE did some weird hand signals, to which Canada stopped, puzzled.

"Oh, that's sign language. AE can't talk. He said 'nice to meet you too.'" FE translated. Wonderful! An ally who can't even speak properly! This day was getting better and better. "Why don't you take your new friend to his room, and give him the gloves we made for him, yes?" She turned around without waiting for an answer, having better things to do, apparently.

REC led the gold and black countryhuman up the stairs and into the guest room. "Yeah, she made you some gloves which will hopefully stop your hands from being so jerky. Your sign language is terrible." Canada said, handing AE a pair of gloves.

You understand sign language? AE asked, slipping off his old gloves. I thought you said you didn't.

"I never said that, you and the French Empire just assumed it. I stole some of FE's books about it." He grinned at AE. "The gloves are made from gold thread. My grandmother realised that you can't turn stuff into gold if it is already gold. Most of the gloves you wore turned into solid gold, but hopefully this flexible gold thread won't do that." REC explained.

The Austrian Empire slipped on the new gloves and flexed his fingers, his eyes wide. It moves! I can move my hands! He signed, looking happily up at Canada.

REC smiled back, actually quite content with their new ally. "By the way, don't you have a child who's blind?"

Yes, what about it? AE looked defensive.

"How do you two talk? They can't really see your sign language, so I imagine it's pretty hard." REC explained.

I mostly get Prussia or the German Empire to translate for me.

"Yes but what if you want a private conversation?"

Braille works pretty well if that ever happens. I've been teaching them with Prussia.

"Oh, alright then."

Why don't you wear gloves? I thought that you hurt everyone you touch.

"They're uncomfortable. And it's also a bit of a rebellious act against my grandmother. She prefers when I wear them."

Oh. I wish I could stop wearing gloves. But the last time I did that...

"Hey, accidents happen. It wasn't your fault the Roman Empire got in the way at the wrong time. Besides, I heard he was a jerk." The Red Ensign Canada gave him a reassuring smile. "Have you ever heard of the time I punched FE in the stomach because she was being annoying? Yeah, she still has a scar there." AE seemed to laugh, but of course, no sound came from his frozen mouth.

How much trouble did you get in?

"A lot. She yelled at me for hours before finally getting my mother and telling her to punish me. We got ice cream instead and she congratulated me. France is way better than her mother."

I guess we both have some loving people in our life.

They talked and asked questions for hours together, talking about their experiences, France and Prussia, their favourite foods. Canada felt that he finally had a friend who understood him. It was... nice.

(804 Words)


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