Chapter Thirty-Four

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The Roman Empire stared at the British Empire in disbelief.

"That wasn't supposed to happen..." He had time to say before he was swept off his feet by a tsunami of water. BE blasted him as far as he could away from the scene, nearly taking out AE—who was climbing up the rubble—in the process. ROE was out of sight by the time he finished and stopped.

"Are you alright, BE?" The Austrian Empire asked, scrambling up rocks to stand beside him. "I'm sorry about your necklace. Did ROE break it?"

"I'm fine, and I broke it myself. It was limiting my powers for the sake of control. But the moment it shattered, I felt twice as powerful!" BE laughed, letting himself relax for a few seconds, since ROE was gone for the moment.

That was a mistake.

The Roman Empire wasn't physically there. But the German Empire and Austria-Hungary were still nearby.

As AE was smiling back at him, his expression shifted suddenly. BE didn't have time to turn around before dark shards of power stabbed him in the back, some of them even going through his body.

"You'll pay for that." GE snarled in ROE's voice as pain flooded BE's body. He didn't bleed until GE ripped the dark knives out of his back.

BE bit his tongue as he tried not to scream in pain. He whipped around and threw a surge of water at his enemy. He was too late though, for a stream of dark power ripped through the wave and made its way towards BE.

BE braced himself for stabbing pain, but it ever came. AE lunged in front of the startled country and turned the shadows into gold. It froze in the air, and the gold spread quickly, but stopped before it hit GE.

The British Empire stared at his saviour in complete disbelief. Why had AE saved his old enemy? Was it possible that he could use his powers for good as well as evil? Perhaps AE wasn't so bad.

GE glared at both of them with his dark, possessed eyes, but the water BE had sent at him caught up, and caused him to go tumbling away.

"Thank you." BE breathed, smiling at AE. AE nodded and beamed back at him.

BE felt a sudden pain and hissed, looking down. He was still bleeding from the several gashes GE had given him. He stumbled to the side a little, and AE caught him.

"Are you alright? You should probably sit out for the rest of the battle." AE suggested, worriedly looking at the numerous stab wounds in his body.

"It's fine. We have to finish this together." BE sighed, knowing that as long as ROE lived, it wasn't over.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth rubbed his head, grimacing. He'd been thrown away by ROE, and hit his head in the process. The helmet he always wore wasn't enough to protect it from pain, and the country felt warm blood trickling down his fingers.

At least he was alive. For now.

But then he couldn't move. Or do anything. PLC sighed mentally. He was being mind controlled. Wonderful.

Austria-Hungary finally realised they could move on their own. ROE must have let them go for someone better. That was fine. A-H could help now.

They turned their head around, trying to find any blobs of colours that they saw as countryhumans. Nobody was near them.

A-H reached out their hands and fumbled around until they reached a pile of rocks. They must be at the bottom of the hill. They began climbing, looking out for any red shapes that could be the Roman Empire.

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