Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The French Empire sat in her castle, bored out of her mind. She touched the gash that lay over her eye. Thank goodness she had closed it in time, or else she might have been half blind. But it still hurt.

She didn't know which side to join in the war now. On the one hand, she still hated AE and what he had done, but on the other hand, she now hated BE and the others too.

It was either leave the war, or join on her own side. And being alone wasn't a good idea in a war. But a solution did come to her.

It was late at night. FE was having another nightmare. But she awoke suddenly to a crash that broke the silence. Someone had broken in.

She got up and quietly crept to the door of her bedroom, opening it a crack to see if she could see anyone. There was a figure at the other side of the room, near a broken window.

FE jumped out of her room, and with a whoosh of fire, lit the torches that were scattered around the room.

It was the Roman Empire. And he was supposed to be dead. FE screamed and was about to send a flame at him when she stopped, unable to move. He was probably mind controlling her.

"Stop, FE. We have a lot to talk about." ROE said. "If I let you go, will you promise not to kill me?" He asked.

FE couldn't really nod or do anything, but he let her go anyway.

"How are you alive?" She whispered.

"AE tried to revive Prussia and ended up undoing everything he had ever turned gold instead. Including me." ROE explained, with a hint of smugness.

"Why are you... here?" FE asked, hoping he wasn't here to kill her. If he was, he would have done it already.

"Because you are likely the only country I can turn into an ally. I know that the Purple Alliance cast you out. And you certainly can't go to the Gold Alliance, you're enemies. But you can join my side. I am enemies to both of these Alliances too. We can rule over all of them, together. We can become the Red Alliance!" ROE offered. FE grinned at the thought of teaching the Purple Alliance who was really in power.

"I'm in."

"Good, let me tell you about all that has happened so far. Then we will strike!"

The Russian Empire listened as Prussia explained how to stop ROE's mind control. "Wait, so all we have to do is imagine a key to our chains, or just break the ropes, and then we are free?" He asked.

"Well, you still have to fight him after that, but yeah, basically." Prussia answered.

"If you can take him by surprise, it's pretty easy! That's how I got out. You can also imagine things happening, and they will happen! It's so cool!" DE said. It had been a few days since the last battle, and he seemed to be feeling a lot better, despite the hole in his arm.

"If he knows that you can cause trouble, it's not so easy. In that battle, I was fighting him in my mind for pretty much the entire time until he finally let us all go." Prussia said.

"I think that if I am able to hold on to someone, I can make sure that they don't get mind controlled. At least, I was able to get to OE and hold on to him. I wasn't able to touch anyone else though, as they kept stabbing me." Serbia said, scowling at the bandages on his hand. RE remembered that when he was being mind controlled, he had been the one to almost sever Serbia's hand.

"I think we can beat him then! If Serbia holds on to everyone who can't beat ROE, and we fight off his mind control, we can probably kill him! It's only him-"

And then the castle exploded in a ball of fire. 

(676 Words)


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