Chapter Sixteen

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"We should visit my father!" Austria-Hungary prodded the German Empire.

"He'll be fine on his own. Besides, we are quite far from his castle. It's nice here." GE responded.

"I can't see how nice it is here. Every day, you're like this. Why don't you want to see him?" A-H huffed.

Because he killed my father. GE thought. "Fine," he said out loud, "one more month of peace and solitude, then we'll go see the Austrian Empire."

"Yay! Thank you!" A-H hugged GE.

"Let's go outside, perhaps you can paint me looking at the ocean?" GE suggested. A-H nodded, taking off the eyepatches that restricted his odd vision.

As the German Empire was opening the door, he came face to face with AE, who was in the process of knocking.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked in shock.

I need your help. AE pleaded.

"Who is it? Dad, is that you?" A-H peered around GE, squinting at their father.

"Yes, it's AE. Come inside, tell us what happened." GE sighed.

AE sat down on the couch, and told them everything that happened the past few days, ending with the Russian Empire's capture. GE translated for A-H.

So I came to find you. I'm sorry for probably ruining your day, but I can't leave RE alone. AE finished.

"Thank you for coming to find us! We'll definitely help!" A-H said.

AE nodded his thanks, but then stopped. GE squinted at him, trying to figure out the problem. Then he noticed that his eyes were solid gold.

The Austrian Empire started to stand, his movements stiff like someone who hadn't walked in years.

"What the..." GE whispered, wondering why he had gone all strange.

"What's wrong? What happened?" A-H asked.

Then AE started to take off his gloves.

"I don't know! His eyes are gold, and he's acting weird and taking off his gloves! AE, what are you doing?" GE said, panic rising in his voice.

But then, it was over as soon as it started. AE's eyes returned to normal, but a haunted expression was on his face. He quickly put his gloves back in, and sat down, noticeably staying away from GE and A-H.

"What was that?!" GE glared at AE.

I... I don't really know. AE admitted. But it was the exact thing I felt when I... killed Prussia.

"Is he okay? GE, is AE okay?" A-H asked.

"Yes, he's back to normal." GE said.

My eyes were gold, weren't they? AE said.

"How did you know?" GE asked.

Because I saw everything that was happening when he took over my body. And it's happened before. AE signed. I have a story to tell you, that I haven't told anyone before.

Many years ago

The Austrian Empire was baking cookies with Prussia. His own cookies sucked, as they were blobby and half burnt. Prussia was a little more of an artist, but not by much. They were trying to make each other.

AE tried to make Prussia, but one of his wings broke off because the cookie was fragile. Prussia made a little cookie of AE, but once he saw that AE broke his wing, he stabbed the cookie three times.

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