Chapter Thirty-Three

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Happy New Year!!! :D

The Portuguese Empire became visible again, since clearly the Roman Empire already knew where he was. This was annoying. It was all so unfair. Wars were supposed to be unfair, but not this unfair.

PE struggled against the dark shadows that held him. He watched as BE, REC, OE and AE were all restrained. He was struck with the thought that this was all that remained. Five of them, not including GE and A-H, against the most powerful countryhuman ever. The rest were dead.

ROE let out a maniacal laugh, despite his injuries. "I've won! You've all lost! I am the true leader! Bow to the king of all powers!" He cried, cackling. He made GE and A-H do so with his mind control, and looked at remaining countries expectantly.

PE looked away, tears in his eyes, but then spotted something in the sky. Someone who could fly. Not having any better ideas, he made them invisible. The country crashed into the Roman Empire seconds later.

The invisible figure tussled with ROE on the ground and they threw punches with each other. REC and OE took advantage of the distraction and escaped their binds, but PE couldn't figure out how to get rid of his.

It was alright though, since REC came over and cut through the shadows that pinned PE's arms to his sides. "Thanks!" He said to REC before turning around to join the battle.

Since PE had gotten distracted, the invisibility had worn off, so everyone could see who this mystery saviour was.

It was the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. And he looked angry.

The Dutch Empire pulled rocks aside, sweat running down his back and face. But every time he tried to move, a piece of rubble just took his place. He was barely moving anywhere.

That's when he had an idea. He could use his power. He could use the force fields to push rocks away, while keeping them from coming back! It was brilliant!

The first time he did it, he tried to push rocks forward, and then put up a force field above the tunnel he made. It half-worked, but rocks spilled in from the sides instead. So he widened the barrier to block the sides as well, pushing debris out of the way.

He crawled down the tunnel, letting down his force field as he went. He needed to save his energy, so he made it as small as possible. He kept moving forward, ignoring the cuts and scrapes on his hands and knees as he worked.

The only thing keeping him going was the thought of seeing his friends again. The look on their faces when they realised he was alive would be priceless. Despite the situation, he smiled. He was going to see them again. All of them.

They had probably already defeated ROE.

The German Empire couldn't even escape his chains. He'd thought that the hardest part of getting out of the mind control would be fighting ROE. He was wrong. He kept overthinking his visualisations.

He wanted to create a key, but he didn't know what the key looked like, or what the lock looked like. Was the key gold, or silver? How many prongs did it have? Did it match the lock? Where was the lock located on the chains? Why is there a lock on the chains? Where would the key appear? How would he insert the key into the lock?

Too many questions. Not enough time.

Despite the fact that PLC almost never got involved in wars—except for that one time with OE—he always made sure that his battle skills were sharp. Sure, he hadn't practised with another country in some time, but he wasn't bad at it. Apparently, ROE was better than 'not bad.'

He flared his wings and jumped back as ROE's sword scraped against his armour, making PLC wince at the sound. He retaliated by sweeping a handful of dust into his eyes, and stabbing forward with his own sword.

ROE stumbled back and managed to not get impaled, before sending a barrage of branches for PLC's face. The other country ducked down and slashed the branches in two, making ROE cry out in pain.

The thing with RE's power, which was the branches, was that he always felt the pain that the plants felt. It seemed to be the same case with ROE.

ROE started to prepare a lightning strike, but if PLC remembered correctly, that needed a lot of time to charge. So he had enough time to dart in and slash through ROE's armour.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth did not have the advantage for long though, for dark strands of power began to hold him, and he spotted GE out of the corner of his eye.

He had allies of his own, though, as PE and REC cut through the shadows and faced the German Empire. PLC thanked them before turning just in time as ROE attacked him.

This battle could either be over very quickly, or last until they collapse from exhaustion.

The British Empire finally managed to grip his knife so that he could cut off all of the shadows that held him. He then joined the battle against ROE with PLC. AE joined them soon after, while OE joined REC and PE.

He hated that his power was only a fraction of what it was before. He wished he could justifiably kill AE for it. But AE was an ally now, whether he liked it, or not. He still missed his other hand though.

BE threw a wave of water at ROE, which AE turned to gold. It solidified around ROE, but he somehow managed not to touch it. The Roman Empire rolled under the frozen wave and threw daggers around him.

How many of these things does he have?! BE thought as one lodged in his foot and caused him to hiss in pain.

As he was about to launch a counterattack, ROE flung all of BEs allies away with a flick of his wrist. He was toying with them. BE snarled, and leapt at his enemy, but he was suspended in the air by a branch.

With his sword, he cut the plants away and tried to rush at ROE again. But he was hit by a blast of lightning that had charged while he was freeing himself. His allies were far away, unable to help him. Unable to save him.

He knelt on the ground in pain as ROE cackled, enjoying the moment. His pendant, the ship in a bottle, dangled down in front of his face. Control. That was what the necklace gave. But control was useless without power.

Chaos on the other hand... chaos could do a lot with, or without power.

The ship in a bottle limited his abilities for the sake of control. When he was little, and his powers were uncontrollable, he was fine with it. But now...

He needed chaos. And power.

As the Roman Empire raised his sword to finish him off, the British Empire crushed his pendant in his glass hand. A wave of power and new abilities crashed upon him like a tidal wave, making him smile.

He could feel the ocean, far away, but still there. He could feel underwater rivers, undetectable by any other country. He sensed rain in the clouds around them as lightning boomed in the distance. BE felt the dampness of the soil, and even detected the special kind of water that used to be in his other hand, buried under all the rubble. That would give him even more power if he had access to it.

But for now, he still had to deal with the danger looming over him.

He spun around, and caught the sword with his hook. With his remaining hand, he called the water from his other hand, eager for more power. ROE tried to attack again but BE smacked him across the face with a spout of water

He finally gained access to the rest of his powers, as the power amplifying liquid from his lost hand neared his body. He left it floating as two halos around his head.

He stood, gathering an arsenal of water behind him as he drew from every source. The powerful ocean. The dew on dying blades of grass. The underground rivers. The oncoming rain. All of it.

"You may be the Jack of all Trades," BE cried, extending his hands to showcase his true power. "But I am the master of one."

(1413 Words)

I rewrote BE's entire part and still don't like it :c 

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