Chapter 11

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"I look inside myself and see my heart is black"
-The Rolling Stones

Alexander's POV

"Have you found anything?" Apollo, my younger brother, strides into my office without knocking.

He sits on the couch and I lean back on my chair while rolling my eyes. Those boys have no manners.

"No, unfortunately not. I can't find anything on her name. No school files, no identification, it's like she doesn't exist." I answer with a sigh, not taking my eyes off my computer.

We've been trying to find out if that girl form the diner is Athena. My Athena.

The resemblance to Atlas is clear. She has our colors and her age adds up. But we can never be too sure. A lot of girls have claimed to be her just for our family's money.

Atlas is convinced though. He insists that this girl is our Athena. He says that he can't describe how he knows, he just does. He can feel it. It could be a twin thing or something.

Apollo and Ares also have it. They unconsciously know when one of them is in danger. They usually get nervous or angry or scared. I honestly can't explain it. It's like they are connected.

"How is that possible? There must be something that you can find. Have you tried police records?" Apollo suggests. He really wants Athena to be our sister. He might be the prankster of the family and the one who is always smiling but I can tell that Athena's kidnapping has affected him a lot.

"I'm trying Apollo. I told you, I can't find anything about her. I wish there was more that I could do." I tell him honestly and I look up at him for the first time since he came in.

I notice that he has a frown on his face. But that's not the only thing about him. His leg is bouncing up and down and he is picking on his nails.

"Apollo, it's gonna be okay. If she is our sister then we will get her back. I promise" I try to reassure him. Everyone knows that I never break my promises.

It doesn't seem to work though because he continues to be fidgety. It should have stopped. He nods and stands up to leave.

"Apollo, where is Ares?" I ask, starting to recognize the signs he is showing.

"I think he went out with Atlas and Matteo, why?" He replies confused.

I immediately take my phone out and call him. He doesn't pick up. I then call Atlas. Nothing. Lastly I try Matteo but it goes straight to voice mail.

"Call your brothers, tell them to come here. Now!" I tell him and he doesn't waste a minute before he leaves.

Ten minutes later and we are all seated in my office. Leo, who is my second in command stands beside me while the others are occupying the couch and the chairs.

"What's the matter, Alex?" Enzo asks impatiently.

Enzo, Leo and Matt are not our biological brothers. They are actually our cousins but since we both lost our parents in a young age we came a lot closer. We all live in the same house and consider each other siblings.

"Matteo, Ares and Atlas are missing." They don't pick up their phones and their trackers are disabled. They've been gone for more than eight hours."
I inform my brothers.

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