Chapter 28

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"We keep this love in a photograph
We made this memories for ourselves"
-Ed Sheeran

We didn't go to school the next day. Or the day after that. The older ones decided that it would be safer if we just stayed home for a little while. It's not like we have another choice or anything. We obviously don't have Volkov's kid so there's nothing that can be done from our side to solve the situation.

I'm not complaining about staying home, though. I spent most of me time just chilling with Cade and Noah. I feel like I've been neglecting Cade since we came here so this was my chance to redeem myself.

We were currently laying on my bed, Noah curled on my lap with his head on my chest and Cade snuggled beside us. I was reading Noah a book and he was listening intensely to me, when we were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in." I answer softly.

The door opens and Grayson comes in, smiling sadly at me. He and his brother have had it hard these past few days. Turns out that some people from their mafia were in the house when the fire started and they unfortunately didn't make it. He tries not to show it but I can tell that he is pretty affected by their loss.

I smile softly back at him and pat the space beside me, motioning for him to come sit.

When he reaches me he sits down with a sigh, and pulls my body closer to his, earning a whine from Cade. I pet Cade's fur with my free hand, the other still holding the book and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Gray." Noah greets him in a quite voice.

"Hey buddy, how'd you sleep?" He forces a smile.

"Good." Noah yawns and snuggles his head in my chest, closing his eyes.

I place the book, face down on my bed and start running my fingers through his hair.

"How are you?" I ask Grayson with a frown.

"I'm fine." He offers me a small smile and my frown deepens.

"Gray-" I begin but he interrupts me.

"Seriously, Athena, I'll be fine. Please don't make me talk about it." He pleads with a broken voice.

"Okay..." I whisper.

None of us says anything for a couple of minutes, both just enjoying the company of the other.

"We should get down for breakfast." Grayson breaks the silence.

"Yeah, sounds good."

And that's what we do. All three of us go downstairs where the rest of the guys are already eating.

"Good morning." I smile and take a seat between Leo and Enzo.

I get a chorus of good mornings back and I dig into my food. Everyone engages in light conversation with each other, most of which I turn out, too bored to pay attention. One thing Atlas says, though, has me looking up, finally  interested.

"It must be in the music room man. Weren't you there, like, two days ago with Aiden?" He questions Enzo.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll check later." Enzo replies and takes a bite of his pancake.

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