Chapter 38

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"I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends"
-Taylor Swift

There's a buzzing in my ears. It's like I'm underwater. I've seen people get shot before but there never was so much blood.

Apollo is turning white and he is breathing heavily and I can't seem to be able to focus. My eyesight turns blury and it takes me a minute to realize I'm crying.

Atlas is putting pressure on Apollo's shoulder and tries to keep him awake while Gray gets up and charges towards Volkov.

We were expecting an army. We were prepared for a fight.

Not an execution.

I rush over to Apollo's side and kneel down next to him.

"Apollo... Hey bud, it's okay, you're okay." I try to smile through my tears.

"Go." He murmures. "Gray, go help Gray."

I glance up and spot Gray fighting with Volkov.

"It's okay. He's okay. He's really strong, he doesn't need my help. You do. I need you to stay awake just for a little longer, okay? Just until our doctors arrive. Atlas will call them right now."

His eyes start to close and I can see that it's hard for him to stay awake but I can't let him give in. Not now. So I shake him a little until he focuses again.

I'm now the one pressing down on his wound so Atlas can call our doctors.

It looks like there's an exit wound, which is good.

"Apollo, please, you need to stay awake. Come on, I know you can do this. You always brag about how strong you are so please be strong for a little while longer."

"I-I don't think I can... I'm sorry, my Thena. I'm s-so sorry. I wanted to be there f-for your birthday. "

"You'll be there Apollo, you don't have to apologize. Everything will work out."

He continues as if I never spoke. "I've already bought you a gift. Ares and I... We were supposed to give you your gifts together. To you and Atlas. It was all p-planned out. We are the two pairs of twins. It was all planned out." He mumbles as a tear slips down his cheek.

"Apollo, you'll still get to give me your gift. Don't worry about that. Please, just hung in there. Please..."

I notice his eyes drooping so I continue, "Tell me, what did you get me?"

He chuckles weakly, "Yeah, as if. You'll have to wait and see. You'll love it, I'm sure."

I smile down at him, "Of course I will."

He looks up at me, eyes glazed over. "It's not like in the movies." He says.

I frown. "What isn't?"


"You're not dying Apollo! Stop saying that..."

He goes on as if I never spoke.

"And maybe that's a good thing. Because at least it doesn't hurt. It could be the adrenaline, I don't really know, you're the smart sibling." He laughs but it turns into a cough. "But it doesn't hurt like I imagined it would."

"It doesn't hurt because you're gonna be fine. Because you're strong and you're gonna make it. You've been shot before, it's gonna be okay."

From the corner of my eye I notice Ares and Matt entering the hallway. Ares' eyes immediately fly to us, as if some twin intuition informed him that something was wrong with his brother.

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