Chapter 25

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"As long as I'm here no-one can hurt you"
-Billie Eilish

Once Kacy is out of the cafeteria I turn around and sit back down.

"That. Was. Badass." Emery says while looking at me in astonishment.

"Yeah, suits her right. How dare she speak that way about you! You shouldn't let her walk all over you. She's nothing more than a blonde bimbo that wants male attention. I don't care about her money or her reputation, she has no right to talk about you in such way! Fucking bitch."I trail off, shaking my head with a scowl on my face.

"Well, you definitely taught her a lesson, little sis. I'm proud of you" Apollo shoots me a smirk and drops in the seat on my left.

"If she turns out to be like you, we're screwed" Ares huffs and sits on my right. "Although I do have to admit that you were badass. Good job. "

"Uh... Since when is Ares the responsible one? Did I miss an episode or something?" Matteo chuckles and sits beside Emery while Atlas sits beside Blake.

"That's me being a better person you asshole." Ares scowls and picks up a fry from my lunch to throw it at Matt.

"Hey, that's my food!" I frown but Ares just ignores me.

I cross my arms and lean back on my chair, "And please, do join us without asking first. You're always welcome" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Why, thank you, Thena but we already knew that." Atlas grins at me and I just shake my head,trying to hold back a smile. Who am I kidding, of course they are always welcome. Although I would like to spend some alone time with my new friends so I can get to know them better.

Accepting that this won't be happening today, I continue the conversation.

"So, did you guys know that bitch?"

"Language" Ares scolds. I just roll my eyes in response causing him to glare at me. "Yeah, keep rolling your eyes, you might even find a brain back there"

"Ha ha aren't you funny..."

"No we don't know her but she's been obsessed with us since she started here." Atlas informs me and I smile appreciatively at him.

"So, Athena" Apollo begins, "You gonna introduce us to your friends or what?"

Both Emery and Blake visibly pale at their mention and I can't help but feel sympathetic towards them. Considering what they said about their reputation, the Moretti Brothers sitting with them must be a huge deal.

I clear my throat. "Right. This is Emery and Blake. Guys, these are my brothers." My friends give them a nervous wave and mutter small nice to meet you's.

I frown and face my brothers. "You guys are making them nervous. Do something about it"

"What do you want us to do. It's not our fault that we're scary-"

"For fuck's sake, you're not scary Apollo. Intimidating, maybe. But other than that you're just plain rude!" I exclaim.

Thankfully Atlas decides to speak before Apollo replies and we start yet another meaningless argument. "There's no reason for you guys to be nervous. Athena's friends are our friends as well. " He finishes, offering them a smile.

They both give them a tight-lipped smile. "Right, of course." Emery mutters.

I huff. Words are not gonna work. They'll warm up to them in time.

The boys go and get their own lunch and we all eat together while engaging in conversation with each other.

By the time the bell rings I can see that the color has returned in my friends' faces and they don't seem as scared as earlier. Progress.

The rest of the school day passes by in a blink. My classes are not as hard as I thought and I find most of them quite interesting.

I just got out of music, my last class of the day. I loved it. I had a chance to practice on the guitar since I had neglected it the past year. I'm a little rusty but is nothing that a few more lessons can't fix.

As I'm walking down the hall I spot the twins waiting for me by the entrance. Once I reach them, I shoot them a wide grin and Apollo is quick to pull me in a bone crushing hug.

"Ouch ouch ouch. You will break my ribs." I complain, trying to free myself from his hold.

"Oh, stop it, you're fine. Besides, I missed you sis, am I not allowed to show it?" He looks at me with his puppy dog eyes and a hurt look on his face.

I sigh. "Don't do that..." I mumble, looking away.

"Do what?" He asks, faking innocence.

"That! That face... Don't do that." I point at his face and glare at him.

"Im not doi-"

"Oh stop it you big babies. We have places to be and we need to hurry. Now, walk!" Ares glares at us and storms out of the door.

"You made him mad. " I mumble.

"No, you did." Apollo retorts

"I did no such thing."

"Don't even try to deny it."

I huff, "No, I did n-"

Suddenly the door bursts open and Ares enters, grabbing us by our ears and pulling us outside.

"I swear to God, if you do not quit it at this instance, I am going to kill you."

"You would never kill us." I point out.

He just glares at me and continues to drag us towards the car. Atlas and Matteo regard us with amused expressions and big grins.

"Let go of my ear!" Apollo exclaims. "Let go before they grow and become like Matteo's."

Matteo gasps. "What's wrong with my ears?" He asks.

"They look like that!" Apollo waves his hands towards Matt's head, exaggerating.

"Whatever that's supposed to mean..." Matteo says mockingly.

I turn to him and place a hand on his shoulder. "I like your ears Matt." I tell him sincerely and he smiles warmly at me.

"Thank you, Thena. That's why you're my favorite." He pulls me in a hug when a gasp is heard from behind me.

"I thought I was your favorite." Apollo says in a fake hurt voice.

"Yeah well, that was before I found out that you didn't like my ears." Matt retorts.

I pull away from the hug and walk towards the car, where Ares stands, regarding us with disbelief.

"How can we be related?" He mumbles while shaking his head.

I gasp, offended and I'm about to speak when Atlas cuts me off.

"Come on guys, we should go. The others are waiting for us just outside of town."

"We are not going home?" I wonder out loud.

"Nope!" Atlas grins, popping the p.

I stare at him, waiting for further explanation but he gives none.

I roll my eyes while getting in the car and then I turn to look at him.

"Care to elaborate?"

He turns to look at me as well and smirks. "Nope"

I grunt. "Come on, guys! What is so interesting about the outskirts of the city that beats going home and resting." I ask.

Apollo turns to look at me from the passenger sit and grins. "Abandoned buildings."



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