Chapter 12

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"It's my life and it's now or never 'cause I ain't gonna live forever"
-Bon Jovi

This room is darker and a lot smaller than the previous one. They left me here alone and they took King somewhere else. I think they took him to the torture chamber because after my door was locked I heard another door opening and closing nearby.

I need to get out of here and I need to do it now. I search for cameras but I find non. That's good.

I look around for any objects that can help me escape. The lack of light is slowing me down though. I feel the floor with my hands but it's empty. There is nothing to get me out of here.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and that's when I small metallic object catches my attention.

I move my hand around in my hair to take that thing off. I feel around it and that's when I realize.

The bobby pin!

I immediately take it off and bend it so I can pick the lock. I need to hurry because I don't know how much time I have until they come back.

Let me tell you... It's not easy like in the movies. I spend at least fifteen minutes only to get out of my chains and to unlock the door.

I slowly exit the room and check the corridor for any guards. No-one seems to be around so I quickly rush to my brothers' room.

I thought it was gonna take a lot of time to free everyone since apparently I'm not really thief material, but I was relieved to find a key chain hanging beside their door.

I look around one more time, grab the keys and try to find the right one to unlock the door.

I get it open on my fourth try and I quickly step into the room.

My brothers look at me with socked and confused expression.

"I don't have time to explain, we need to get out of here now!" I tell them and head towards Atlas to get him out of his chains.

Once he is out I give him the keys so he can help the others as well.

We all exit the room shortly after. Looks like there are still no guards around but that doesn't mean we can slow down. If we get caught then that's it. This is our only chance to escape.

Atlas is holding my hand since we left their room while Matteo is standing protectively in front of me. Ares is walking ahead of us, opening doors trying to find the exit but to no avail.

The only thing behind these doors are more and more empty cells. Looks like we were the only residents here, I'm flattered.

Ares tries another door which reveals a room full of guns and knifes.

"Bingo!" Ares grins while turning around to look at us.

We all enter the room and close the door silently behind us. Everyone grabs as many weapons as the can hold.

I approach a table with guns and I'm about to grab one when a hand grabs my wrist and stops me.

I look up and stare at Ares' blank expression.

"You're not getting a gun, it's dangerous"

"Right, sure." I say and proceed to grab a gun with my free hand.

"What the fuck don't you understand!" He exclaims. "You could get seriously hurt, you're not taking a gun! Do you even know how to hold it correctly?" He looks at me angryly but with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

I look over at the table, take a silencer that I find, put it on the gun and then I take a perfect shot right beside Matteo's head, without looking away from Ares' eyes.

They all look at me shocked but Matteo's expression is more terrified.

"What the fuck, Athena !" Matteo whisper shouts. "You could have killed me."

"I wouldn't have killed you Matteo. I wouldn't have taken the shot if I wasn't one hundred percent sure that you were gonna be okay. I'm more than capable to use a gun and to answer your question, Ares, yeah I'm pretty sure that I know how to hold one correctly as well. " I answer while I pull my hand out of Ares' grip.

He doesn't complain further. I take another gun after I make sure that it's fully loaded and place it on the back of my waist band. All this extra movement has taken a toll on my back but I can't think about it right now. We should get out first and then I will worry about my health. I take a knife and place it inside my shoe,carefull not to cut myself.

While I'm waiting for the others to choose their weapons I can't help but think back to the first time I used a gun. I must have been about twelve years old. I was at my lowest at the time. I had no-one to comfort me and I distanced myself from everyone. That's part of the reason I never made any friends. Well except one. There was this boy, he was two years older than me. His name was Ren and he had made it his life's goal to make me talk to him. One time I was so angry cause he wouldn't leave me alone that I started screaming profanities at him. Instead of getting mad himself and shout back he just stood there and grinned. That of course only made me angrier and I asked him what he was smiling about. Then his grin only got wider and he said softly 'You spoke to me'. That was the beginning of our friendship. He then proceeded to tell me that when he was really angry he would go to this shooting arena and let it all out. We snicked out that night and went there. He taught me how to properly shoot a gun and I became pretty good at it too. It became our thing, to snick out and go to that place. Ren helped me find happiness again and I will always owe him. If only I knew where he was now.

Unfortunately a month after that incident he left. I don't know if he got adopted or he escaped. I don't even know if he is alive. One day I just woke up and he wasn't there. No goodbyes no nothing. He just up and left me there.

A scream was what broke me out of my thoughts. It didn't belong to my brothers. It came for another room close by.

We all look at each other alarmed when realization hit me.

"We need to help King." I say and their eyes widen like they had forgotten about him.

"FUCK!" Ares whispers harshly.

Fuck, indeed...

There goes our easy escape.


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