--=Queen Scarlet=--

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You trembled as you were lifted further and further away from the ground, until you were face to face with Scarlet. You were shaking. All proper thinking and logic had left your brain. 

"Well? I asked you a question. Don't you know that is rude to disobey a Queen? Well, I'll ask you again. How. Can. You. Talk?" She said calmly. With each word, she squeezed your body harder and harder. You gasped, before you managed to wheeze out a response. 

"Please. Let me go. D-Don't kill me." You gasped, before finally she released the pressure of her talon. You were panting, as you tried to get oxygen back into your blood. Queen Scarlet on the other had, was thinking to herself carefully. 

"Are you animus enchanted? But if you were, than I can't understand why someone would waste power like that on a Scavenger..." She mussed as she studied you. 

"I-I wasn't created, you know. I'm just very intelligent." You stated, although you still weren't sure how you could speak to the Dragons of Pyrrhia. Especially considering your not even from this world, but you quickly brushed that thought aside. 

"Intelligent hm? This is new. I've always thought Scavengers were just dumb animals, but, I suppose you could be an exception. Besides, do you even know what an Animus is? I doubt it." She said in a slightly mocking tone. Luckily, you had a good memory and understanding of the books, so you knew exactly how to answer that question. 

"An Animus is a Dragon, that has been born or has obtained a powerful magic, known as Animus magic. This magic is known to have no limit, and allows the user to enchant anything under spells. There is cost, however; When an Animus Dragon uses their magic, they loose a part of their soul, as they slowly go insane over time. Like Anemone in one of the later books-" You slap your mouth shut quickly, as your face turns pale. 

You had nearly just given away the future. Not only that, but you realized that you knew the future itself. You knew everything that was going to happen. From Scarlet's future, to the future of Pyrrhia. You could not allow Scarlet to know what happens in the future at all costs. 

If she somehow found out what happens. You shivered again, as you kept you mouth shut, not trusting yourself to not spill something.

Scarlet was looking at you with a very suprised expression on her face. She clearly wasn't expecting you to have such knowledge. Suddenly her eyes narrowed, and you started to become more nervous. The courage you had possessed earlier while talking had vanished. 

"What was that? Scavenger? I didn't quite hear that... You were about to say something, weren't you..." She said, sounding calm, but her eyes glinted. 

"I-I, um, I wasn't going to say anything, S-Scarlet-" 

"I think you mean; QUEEN Scarlet, honesty, I would have thought you'd show a little more respect for The Queen of the Skywings..." Her pupils narrowed.

"Especially considering I could kill you, right here and now..." She growled, as you looked back at her with frightened eyes. You knew she was right. She could kill you if she wanted to. She had spared you of becoming her snack for now, but that didn't mean she could change her mind...

"Not to mention, you clearly have some knowledge, if you can speak, and the fact that you clearly know what an Animus is... However, if I am not going to kill you, what can I do with you?"

She continued to stare at you, still clutching you tightly in her grip. Her expression was thoughtful. You watched back, barely breathing. You didn't want to die. Not like this. There were still so many things you wanted to do with your life. 

Finally Scarlet spoke, earning your instant nervous attention. 

"Hmmm, I'll need to think on this. After all, you look much too weak to fight in the arena. I doubt you'd barely put up a good fight..." You couldn't help but breath a small sigh of relief. You didn't have to worry about the arena. Usually you would have been slightly offended if someone had called you weak, but you knew better than to say otherwise in this situation. 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now