--=Regretting and Missing=--

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L/N = Last Name


It has been four days since Y/N L/N, has been reported missing. While it has been speculated that kidnapping is a possibility, there has not yet been any revealed evidence supporting this theory. Death or suicide has also not yet been ruled out. It is urged that the community comes forward with any information regarding this person's disappearance or any information that will aid in the search. We hope to bring more news on the unfolding story as more information on the situation is gathered. Until then, if any clues or evidence that brings an explanation to this person's disappearance is recovered, please contact your local police authorities. 

Y/N's last appearance was seen at 4:56 PM, in center town library, where they appeared to be reading a book titled: Wings of Fire, a famous book series written by author Tui. T Sutherland. This book was later found at the exact site of their disappearance, (which was in their own home). Images of his physical appearance can be found on 'missing' websites and news articles. 

While it is unclear how long this search will last, authorities are rapidly beginning to lose hope, as all current search methods so far have yielded little to no positive results. It can only be prayed that wherever Y/N is, that they are alright, and we can all make a wish that they will be returned home to their worried family safely...



One night earlier...

"Y/N! Don't let Scarlet get to you! Stay strong, and don't... please don't give in! Just stay safe!" 

Tsunami called after the rapidly shrinking Skywing guard as he flew further and further away. Y/N's tiny, battered body clasped in his talons as the guard soared down towards the Skywing Palace before vanishing from sight. Tsunami was silent for a few moments, before finally the feelings built up inside her were released, roaring at the top of her lungs. 

"Y/N! NO! LET HIM GO! LET ME AND MY FRIENDS GO! TELL YOUR QUEEN SHE'S MAKING A BIG MISTAKE!" She shouted, although it was unlikely that the guard heard her... or even cared. Tsunami fell silent, breathing heavily before a sudden flapping in front, caused her to raise her head. It was Peril, her orange large wings beating gracefully. Even in the moonlight she looked like fire. To be honest, Tsunami had almost forgotten she was there.

I should have known there was trouble the moment she showed up. Claiming she wanted to meet the 'talking Scavenger'...

Peril opened her mouth but before she could say anything, Tsunami death stared her. Feeling another surge of anger. 

"You... Why didn't you help Y/N? You were right there! You could have stopped that Guard! Why are you helping Scarlet!? Y/N never did anything to you! No Dragon ever did! Does working for Scarlet make you happy? Does killing Dragons make you happy?!" 

She snared, letting any remaining anger out. Surprisingly, Peril didn't respond to her aggressive outburst. She simply looked at her, and for a second, Tsunami thought she saw something in Peril's expression that could have been regret. Or maybe anger? Before she could even process what she just said, with a gust of warm air Peril flew off into the night, leaving Tsunami hanging from her chains alone. 

Maybe I was a little harsh? It wasn't like it was Peril who had captured us. She was just curious about Y/N... Tsunami thought, feeling guilty, before another thought popped into her mind.

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now