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You could only cower as much as you could, as you watched the Queen come closer and closer, until she stood just in front of you. The gems imbedded into her scales seemed to glint in the sunlight entering the throne room as she curled her long tail around your cage, before raising it until you were level with her cruel smirk, which fitted perfectly over her spotless sharp teeth, which glinted as shiny as the accessories she wore. It was the kind of smirk a snake would make before it ambushed its prey. 

During all this, you briefly noticed a small key hanging around the base of Scarlet's neck from a thin silver chain, which jangled and bounced when she moved, winking in the light. It had been hard to see as most of attention was focused on trying not to let Scarlet worm fear into your mind, which you had failed at. 

It must be the key to my cage... You thought, before Scarlet's cold voice rattled you out of your thoughts. Within the fraction of a second, Scarlet had your full attention. 

"Ah~ Goodmorning my little pet! I hope you slept well, because there is much excitement planned for today!" She teased, an almost purr to her voice. Light streaming through the membrane of her wings almost making them glow. The rubies around her eyes glinting. You stared at her with wide eyes. The peaceful moment of the morning now completely destroyed. 

The fact that she had referred to you as 'pet' only reinforced your feelings of anxiety, as it seemed that she had truly meant what she had said last night. That you were nothing more than a plaything for her. It was also worth noticing that Scarlet had never appeared to once call you by your actual name. 

Maybe Scarlet didn't know your real name? Or maybe she did, but just couldn't be bothered to call you it?

At least it's better than her calling me dinner... Or breakfast in this case. That would have been REALLY cruel. You thought, thinking that even though Scarlet had claimed that you weren't going to die just yet, it would seem like the kind of thing she would call you. Not as a threat, but more just to scare you. You thought over this for a second, before trying to push any fear aside.

For starters, Scarlet seemed set on deeming you as her pet, which ultimately confirmed that she wasn't going to kill you. Not immediately, so at least that was a positive. You weren't actually even sure when Burn would arrive, so maybe you had time to plan an escape? Maybe you could help break the other Dragonets of Destiny out as well?

You were ripped out of your shelter of thoughts, when without warning, Scarlet sudden rattled the cage, making you sprawl to the floor. You were met with a glare as the Skywing tyrant loomed over you.

"Scavenger... I thought I taught you manners on our first meeting, if I recall correctly... I don't take kindly to being ignored. You must have forgotten that I am the Queen here." She hissed, a bit of smoke rising out of her snout. Curling around her horns. A dangerous look in her eyes. Knowing that a single wrong move would possibly mark your end, you squeaked, trying to squirm away, before whimpering a "Y-Yes, your majesty." as you felt any previous courage evaporate, all the while bowing down to her. 

Scarlet appeared to look satisfied, before she frowned. Your face paled, as you wondered if you had done something else wrong, when Scarlet pushed one of her claws through the bars of the cage and prodded your side. You yelped as the sharp claw made contact with several of your cuts and bruises under your shirt, while you flinched away as a result.

"O-OW! That hurts!" You cried, protesting, as she prodded you a second time, before her claw retreated. Scarlet's frown seemed to turn deeper the more she stared at you. It was as if she was only noticing for the first time, how thin and beaten down you looked.

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz